Asking Corporations for Money

Author: Murphy, Dennis J.

Publication Year: 1981

Media Type: Report


Analysis of criteria and characteristics utilized in the corporate support program decisionmaking process. Selected data from the Corporate Support Program Research Project Survey of Fortune 500, second 500, and top 50 companies by trade grouping. Results of a special survey, conducted through the Corporate Support Program Research Projects (CSPRP), indicate definite similarities of corporate interest in certain of these key characteristics and criteria.


Analysis of criteria and characteristics utilized in the corporate support program decisionmaking process. Selected data from the Corporate Support Program Research Project Survey of Fortune 500, second 500, and top 50 companies by trade grouping. Results of a special survey, conducted through the Corporate Support Program Research Projects (CSPRP), indicate definite similarities of corporate interest in certain of these key characteristics and criteria.

The CSPRP survey asked corporations to respond to a variety of questions dealing with: The characteristics of charitable organizations considered important when making funding decisions. The criteria used to select organizations for support and considerations given in determining the amounts to be granted. The importance in the time of the solicitation request. Identifying the decision makers in corporate support programs. The extent of branch management involvement in contributing decisions. The role of the company foundation.

The survey was conducted among the chief executive officers of the nation's largest companies, those on the Fortune Magazine list of the top 500, second largest 500, and top 50 companies by major trade grouping. Of the 278 respondents, 64 percent were classified as manufacturing, with 36 percent being financial, insurance, retail, transportation and utilities. The corporation's policies and interest in supporting certain types of charitable programs and organizations were sought out by the CSPRP survey. The chief executives of surveyed corporations were asked to respond only to questions dealing with funding health and social welfare organizations. No information was sought on decisions relating to the funding of educational, civic or cultural organizations.

Introduction - Understanding the process.
Why corporations contribute to charity - Current practice of corporate social responsibility.
The corporate contributions program - Money plus.
Key corporate support program insights:
     Familiarity helps.
     Timing of requests and the role of corporate foundations.
     Contribution budgets by formula.
     Local management involvement.
     The decision makers.
     How much to contribute.
     Most important program characteristics.
     Considerations - Who to support.
     Considerations - How much to give.
     United Way leads the list.
     United Way support now and in the future.
Respondents profile.
Corporate support program summary.
Putting the research findings to work for you.
The need for openness.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Private Sector, Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 33



Name: Gothic Press

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