Artsplan 3: Artsource, A Citizens Guide to the Arts in Washington State

Author: Arts Alliance of Washington State

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report


This is the third volume of the Artsplan project, a project of the Arts Alliance of Washington State in cooperation with the Governor's Office of Cultural Affairs of the State of Washington.which was funded by the Pacific Northwest Regional Commission.


This is the third volume of the Artsplan project, a project of the Arts Alliance of Washington State in cooperation with the Governor's Office of Cultural Affairs of the State of Washington.which was funded by the Pacific Northwest Regional Commission.

Section I of this plan is on organization profiles. This section provides detailed information on organizations collected from the Artsplan questionnaires conducted in 1978. In them, the organizations defined themselves and indicated the scope of their services for this sourcebook. Organizations which did not return the questionnaire are included at the end of each country section.

In Section II on facilities inventory, this section aims to provide the most basic information on each facility, to aid a performing company in evaluation that facility for potential use. Section III contains information on the public libraries in the state of Washington. Section IV is a list of organizations and publications provide additional information on arts programs at the local level in Washington State

1. Organization profiles: Vital statistics on Washington State's arts organizations, keyed
    to provide information on programming, touring and services, courses or equipment
    available to individuals and organizations.
    List of abbreviations used.
2. Facilities inventory: Basic information on performance facilities in Washington State
    - seating capacity, stage dimensions, acoustics and available equipment.
3. Library resources for the arts: A guide to arts-related programs and materials
    available at libraries in Washington State.
4. Additional sources of information: Where to find additional information not included
    in this guide, including information on artists' groups, additional organizations and
    other resources in Washington State.
5. Index.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Artists-Resources for


Series Title:




Pages: 213



Name: Arts Alliance of Washington State

Website URL: