Artsplan 2: Statistics and Methodology

Author: Arts Alliance of Washington State

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report


This is volume II of the Artsplan project, a project of the Arts Alliance of Washington State in cooperation with the Governor's Office of Cultural Affairs of the State of Washington. This volume provide the statistics and findings of the survey. In looking at the total project and impact of ARTSPLAN, the process did achieve the goals as set forth in the original proposal. The most extensive survey of arts groups and resources ever made in the state now exits in directory form. Over 3,000 individuals and 628 arts groups have worked together to define needs and find solutions.


This is volume II of the Artsplan project, a project of the Arts Alliance of Washington State in cooperation with the Governor's Office of Cultural Affairs of the State of Washington. This volume provide the statistics and findings of the survey. In looking at the total project and impact of ARTSPLAN, the process did achieve the goals as set forth in the original proposal. The most extensive survey of arts groups and resources ever made in the state now exits in directory form. Over 3,000 individuals and 628 arts groups have worked together to define needs and find solutions.

Both short and long-term programs and changes in existing laws have been formulated and presented as a guide to state government for future policy planning in the arts. New cooperative efforts have been generated within local communities and those interested in the arts throughout the state, as well as within the government and private sectors. New ways have been found to make the arts more accessible and available to all citizens throughout the state. Special attention has been paid to strengthening the role of the arts in our education system. The importance of the arts as a part of the economic structure of the state as well as their relationship to tourism, have been documented.

A planning model for other states has been developed. But, most important, ARTSPLAN offers hope to the creative elements - the individual artist and the arts organization - that Washington State will continue to provide opportunities for years to come to nurture and support the very vest in arts expression, offering opportunities for new and innovative as well as preservation of the state's cultural heritage. (p. 89)

Statement of Artsplan: description of volume I, II and III.
Pacific Northwest Regional Commission statement.
Arts Alliance of Washington State statement.
Role of Oregon and Idaho.
The Artsplan process: The first step (goals and tasks). 
The project begins. 
The role of the volunteer. 
The community meeting process. 
The survey process. 
The recommendation process--Task forces: Access meetings, Steering committee, Arts Alliance board of directors, Role of special population consultants.
Arts in education research process.
Economic analysis methodology.
The role of public information.
Analysis of findings:
     Analysis of community meetings.
     How to interpret statistics.
     Highlights of findings for Washington Arts groups.
     An analysis of Artsplan findings for Washington Arts groups.
     Highlights of findings for the individual artist in Washington State.
     An analysis of the individual artist.
     Economic analysis.
     Table of probable deviation.
     Volunteer contributions.
     Washington Arts groups contact results.
     Statistical results of questionnaires: Art support groups, Arts training institutions,
     Galleries and museums, Performing arts groups, Educational activities, Individual
     Artsplan budget.
     Job descriptions.
     Artsplan staff.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Legislation, Funding, Cultural Planning


Series Title:




Pages: 143



Name: Arts Alliance of Washington State

Website URL: