Artsplan 1: The Arts in Washington State; Highlights of Findings, Characteristics of the Arts and Artsplan Recommendations

Author: Arts Alliance of Washington State

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report


This is Volume I of the Artsplan project, a program of the Arts Alliance of Washington State in cooperation with the Governor's Office of Cultural Affairs of the State of Washington. Included are highlights of the project as well as 76 recommendations for implementation of specific programs for the arts in Washington State during the next ten years. In addition to these recommendations, two additional parts of this document address the needs of the arts. These are the report to the Washington State Congressional Delegation on those needs which relation to law changes at the national level or federal support for the arts and a report on those items which were considered for Artsplan, but which were not included in the final 76 recommendations.


This is Volume I of the Artsplan project, a program of the Arts Alliance of Washington State in cooperation with the Governor's Office of Cultural Affairs of the State of Washington. Included are highlights of the project as well as 76 recommendations for implementation of specific programs for the arts in Washington State during the next ten years. In addition to these recommendations, two additional parts of this document address the needs of the arts. These are the report to the Washington State Congressional Delegation on those needs which relation to law changes at the national level or federal support for the arts and a report on those items which were considered for Artsplan, but which were not included in the final 76 recommendations.

Letter to Governor Dixey Lee Ray.
The Pacific Northwest Regional Commission/The Arts Alliance of Washington State.
Highlights of findings.

Characteristics of the arts: 

Government as a catalyst and partner.
The individual artist.
Role of major arts institutions.
Community arts.
Arts and special populations.
Arts in education.
Arts and the economy.
Arts and business.

Artsplan Recommendations:

Artists' rights/services: 
            1.  Artists' integrity.
            2.  Consignments.
            3.  Resale royalties.
            4.  Indian art and artifacts.
            5.  Artists' registry.
            6.  Credit access for artists and arts organizations.

Introduction: Artists' housing:
            7.  Artists' housing and studio space.

WSAC [Washington State Arts Commission] program directions:
            8. Budget.
            9. Technical assistance.
          10. Community arts councils.
          11. Special populations coordinator.
          12. Folk Arts Coordinator.
          13. Folk arts projects.
          14. Arts training institutions.
          15. Central resource center.
          16. Public arts awareness program.
          17. Level of state funding for WSAC.
          18. Eastern Washington regional office.
          19. Development of regional arts councils.

WSAC facilities:
          20. Guidelines and plan.
          21. Cultural Facilities Committee.
          22. Bond issue.

WSAC: Art in New State Buildings:
          23. Work with architect in design phase.
          24. Funding expanded to remodeling.
          25. Expand to 1%.
          26. Maintenance of art in New State buildings.
          27. Art in New State building funds for museum purchasing programs,
                fellowships and travel grants.

WSAC Commissioners--Their role//selection/advisory panels: 
          28. Advisory panels.
          29. Number of members.
          30. Qualifications.
          31. Payment.

          32. Washington State Constitution.
          33. Joint Legislative Committee.
          34. Governor's Arts Awards.

          35. Hotel/Motel tax.
          36. Leasehold excise tax.
          37. Property tax.
          38. Liquor laws.
          39. Cabaret regulations.
          40. Personal property tax exemption.
          41. Admission tax.
          42. Home rule.
          43. B&O [business and occupation] tax.

Special Populations: Introduction:
          44. WSAC programs for special populations.
          45. Department of Social and Health Services [DSHS].
          46. WSAC Special Populations Advisory Committee.
          47. DSHS Special Populations Advisory Committee.
          48. Special population artists.
          49. Disabled accessibility.
          50. Arts therapy.

          51. Highway signs for cultural attractions/facilities.
          52. Public broadcast media.
          53. Marketing study.
          54. Volunteer communications for the arts.

Historic Preservation/Museums:
     Historic preservation:
          55. Site registry and awareness program.
          56. Site protection.
     Museums - Introduction:
          57. Study of non-profit museums.

Arts in education:
          58. Statewide comprehensive arts education program.
          59. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Task Force.
          60. Arts curriculum guidelines.
          61. Role of educators in arts.
          62. Arts specialists.
          63. Public awareness program for arts in education.

Community arts resources and schools:
          64. Cultural enrichment program.
          65. School relationship to cultural institutions.

Special programs for special needs: 
     Education of the disabled introduction.
          66. Arts education for the disabled.
          67. Model arts programs for the disabled.
     Education of the gifted talented introduction.
          68. Education of the gifted and talented.
          69. Centrum Foundation programs.
          70. Training of artistically talented.

Teacher training:
          71. Teacher training in basic education skills.
          72. Educational service district in-service training.
          73. The role of the Council for Post-Secondary Education in Teacher
                Training in the Arts.

School arts facilities:
          74. Facilities construction review.
          75. State matching funds for auditoriums.
          76. Community use of school facilities.

Fiscal-Impact of Recommendations.
     Ideas not included in Artsplan.
     Recommendations to Congressional delegation.
     Artsplan staff.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Legislation, Funding, Cultural Planning


Series Title:




Pages: 160



Name: Arts Alliance of Washington State

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