The Arts in Vancouver: A Multi-Million-Dollar Industry

Author: Baird, Nini

Publication Year: 1975

Media Type: Report



Some highlights of [this study] are:

  • Rapid growth and diversification of the industry, particularly in the last five years:  

Example: Largest symphony subscription in North America and largest
               dance audience outside New York. 
Example: Growth outstripping available rehearsal and performance space
               with at least six new spaces under construction.
Example: Budgets of just three organizations (Vancouver Art Gallery,
               Vancouver Symphony, Vancouver Opera, Playhouse) rose
               from $1,882,000 to $3,359,000 in five years.

  • Multi-million dollar dimensions of the arts industry: 

$10,000,000 total budgets for just those organizations whose budgets are on record with the B.C. Cultural Programme in Victoria. To this should be added the budgets of other arts organizations, associated industries and individuals not seeking federal or provincial funds.

  • Attracts federal and provincial funds for Vancouver economy:

Some $3,000,000 to $5,000,000 a year from federal and provincial governments, plus money generated from individuals, corporations and foundations outside B.C. The municipal government also contributes to the arts industry.

  • Multiplier effect of new funds:

$2,323,880 from just two sources (B.C. government and Canada Council) to 19 Vancouver organizations generates $8,133,540 for the Vancouver economy, using the 3.5 multiplier effect demonstrated in Silcox's Metropolitan Toronto Support of the Arts.

  • Audiences spend more than just the price of tickets:

More than 40% eat out before or after the performance. Associated costs (parking, liquor, food, etc) equal the cost of the tickets. Example: Vancouver Symphony, Vancouver Opera, Playhouse patrons spent an additional $1,589,000 in the economy.

  • Enhance Vancouver's reputation as a desirable place to live:

By recycling old buildings and revitalizing older sections of the community, by educational activities, by community service to the socially disadvantaged, through recreational opportunities for non-professionals.

Rapid growth of the arts in past five years.
Multi-million dollar arts industry.
Federal and provincial funds attracted by arts industry.
Hospitality and tourist industries stimulated by the arts.
Arts enhance the city.
Resource for entire province.
Arts and education.
Community service and leisure activities.
Arts and the media.
Arts and government.
Arts and business.
Selected bibliography.


Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Economic Impact


Series Title:




Pages: 20



Name: Community Arts Council of Vancouver

Website URL: