The Arts in New England: A Guide to Regional Planning

Author: Moon, Robert

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report


This study, commissioned by the six New England state arts agencies, focuses on the following areas:

  1. Resources within the six states with regional programming potential.
  2. Regional cultural development needs of each state.
  3. Cultural developmental needs of the region as a whole.
  4. Recommendations for long range and short term regional action.
  5. Potential funding resources for regional programming from within and outside the six state area.
  6. Description of a regional information network linking the six state arts agencies. (p. 1).


This study, commissioned by the six New England state arts agencies, focuses on the following areas:

  1. Resources within the six states with regional programming potential.
  2. Regional cultural development needs of each state.
  3. Cultural developmental needs of the region as a whole.
  4. Recommendations for long range and short term regional action.
  5. Potential funding resources for regional programming from within and outside the six state area.
  6. Description of a regional information network linking the six state arts agencies. (p. 1).

Part 1. Introduction.
           A. The process of planning and the product of research. 
           B. New England as a region: diversity and unity.
           C. What is regionalism in the arts?
           D. The National Endowment for the Arts and regionalism.
           E. When is a project regional?

Part 2. The state art agencies and regionalism. 
           A. Comparison of the six New England state arts agencies.
           B. Diversity vs. similarity.
           C. Regional cooperation in New England - a brief history.
           D. Needs of regional cooperation.
           E. Recommendations.

Part 3. Performing arts touring in New England.
           A. Methodology and background.

           B. Performing arts groups (Products) 
               1. General data. 
               2. Touring ability information.
               3. Art form profiles.
               4. Analysis and recommendations. 

           C. Performing arts sponsors (Markets). 
               1. General data.
               2. Profile by type of sponsor.
               3. Analysis and recommendations.

           D. Performing arts sponsors (Markets)
               1. General data.
               2. Profile by type of sponsor.
               3. Analysis and recommendations.

          E. Existing market - Product links.
              1. Regional projects and activities.
              2. State projects and activities.

          F. The extended performing arts residency in New England. 
              1. Elements of performing arts residency.
              2. Examples of New England residencies. 

          G. Summary and recommendations.

Part 4. The craft.
           A. Methodology and background. 
           B. Issues in the crafts.
           C. Needs of the crafts.
           D. Recommendations.

Part 5. Regional needs and priorities.

     A. New England state art agencies.
     B. Performing arts groups interviewed.
     C. Performing arts sponsors interviewed.
     D. Crafts groups and individuals interviewed.
     E. Questions used to interview groups.
     F. Visual arts museums in New England: A summary

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Cultural Diversity


Series Title:




Pages: 65



Name: Massachusetts Cultural Council

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