Arts Information in Australia: The Role of The Australia Council

Author: Appleton, Gil

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Report


With the growing demand for information on the arts and their administration, the need for a strategic policy on the council's role in the arts information field has become urgent. This report is a first step towards forming such a policy. The investigation included a survey of information users' needs for information, and survey of the holdings and operations of a large number of libraries and resource centres [centers] throughout Australia. The surveys provided a basis for the Committee's discussion of several major issues.


With the growing demand for information on the arts and their administration, the need for a strategic policy on the council's role in the arts information field has become urgent. This report is a first step towards forming such a policy. The investigation included a survey of information users' needs for information, and survey of the holdings and operations of a large number of libraries and resource centres [centers] throughout Australia. The surveys provided a basis for the Committee's discussion of several major issues. (p. i)

Summary of recommendations.

1.1 The demand for information.
1.2 Need for a Council strategy.
1.3 The scope of the study.

2.1 A stance for the Council: advocate of the arts.
2.2 Media relations.
2.3 General public relations.

3.1 The council's role in arts information services.
3.2 The funding of arts information Centres [centers].
3.3 Education or resources people.
3.4 Specialist arts magazines.

4.1 The Council's own information activities.
4.2 The library and general information service.
4.3 Film production.

5.1 Use of technology.
5.2 Implications of new technologies.
5.3 Types of systems.
5.4 Teletext and videotext.
5.5 Videodisc.
5.6 Planning for Innovation.

6.1 The internal organization of arts information.
6.2 Research and policy planning.
6.3 Dissemination of information.
6.4 Potential for federal-state cooperation.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Organizational Planning


Series Title:




Pages: 66



Name: Australia Council for the Arts

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