The Arts in General Education Project Evaluation Component: The Transitional Year, 1971-1972

Author: Theurnau, Patricia Knize and Hall, Betty W.

Publication Year: 1972

Media Type: Report


This final volume in the evaluation component of the Arts in General Education Project was undertaken with two main audiences in mind. First, the report was to provide the JDR 3rd Fund with objective documentation of the transition from the Arts in General Education Project to a district-funded arts program which sought to combine the goals and staffing strategies of the Project with those of the district existing specialized arts programs and courses.


This final volume in the evaluation component of the Arts in General Education Project was undertaken with two main audiences in mind. First, the report was to provide the JDR 3rd Fund with objective documentation of the transition from the Arts in General Education Project to a district-funded arts program which sought to combine the goals and staffing strategies of the Project with those of the district existing specialized arts programs and courses. A second objective of the evaluation effort in 1971-1972 was to identify those factors which appeared to be contributing to the success or failure of this transition so that University City school personnel, particularly the Director for the Arts and his staff and members of the central administration, could take appropriate action to maximize the new program's chances for success. Much of the information collected could also be used as baseline data by which to gauge future progress toward the district's stated goals in arts education. A potential third audience is made up of administrators and project planners in other school districts contemplating innovative programs in the arts.

As was true in the earlier volumes of the Arts in General Education evaluation component, the evaluation strategies and the data collection itself were guided by a concern for program improvement. Although this is the last volume in the series, the findings presented here should also be viewed as formative rather than summative evaluation. Given the many constraints under which the Comprehensive Arts Program operated during 1971-1972, it would be precipitous to make any final judgment about the success or failure of the Program. The question to be asked is rather, what changes need to be made to maximize the Program's chances of accomplishing its objectives in the future?

Organization of this volume:  In the introductory section, the authors have attempted to describe briefly the situational context surrounding the introduction of the Comprehensive Arts Program into the University City schools in September 1971. The objectives which guided the evaluation efforts during 1971-1972 were also outlined. The last three sections report in considerable detail the methodologies employed and the findings from each of the components of the evaluation effort. These components are, in the order presented, interviews with members of the arts staff, results from the teacher-principal opionnaire about the services and materials provided by the Arts Office, and, finally, a resume of student/teacher involvement in arts activities from 1969-72. The extensive and detailed data reported in each of these sections will perhaps be of most interest and value to the University City reader, particularly those who will be involved in administration and program planning in the arts.

For the casual reader, or the reader wishing an overview of the results before proceeding to the more detailed sections, a summary of the major findings from each of these three components and a discussion of their implications is presented in the following section. (p. 9-10)

Historical perspective.
Evaluation during the transitional year.
Services and materials.
Commitment to the arts.
Communication and administration.

Interviews with the arts staff.
     In conclusion.

Opinions from principals and teachers.

Activities and materials.
     Arts in general education project instructional units.
     Special activities.
     Participation in formal arts courses.
     CEMREL aesthetic education packages.


Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 269



Name: CEMREL Aesthetic Education Program (1064-1981)

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