The Arts in General Education Project Evaluation Component: Review of Formative Evaluation Activities, 1969-1971

Author: Davis, Donald Jack; Theurnau, Patricia Knize; Hudgens, Alletta; Hall, Betty W.

Publication Year: 1970

Media Type: Report


The purpose of this report is to document the progress of the formative evaluation activities during the first two years of activity.


The purpose of this report is to document the progress of the formative evaluation activities during the first two years of activity.

The first major responsibility or undertaking of the evaluation staff was to take the proposed elements and the specific objectives outlined in the evaluation proposal and evolve them into an operational plan for the first year. After carefully reviewing the project goals and the evaluation proposal, as well as the material produced during the first year of the Project, a tentative operational plan was drafted (See Appendix I). Drawing upon current thinking in curriculum evaluation as well as the experience of CEMREL's Aesthetic Education Program and Comprehensive School Mathematics Program, four basic areas of formative evaluation activities were delineated for the first year of activity:

    1. a detailed description of how the Project progresses;
    2. identification and isolation of factors contributing to the success or failure of the Project and its activities;
    3. development of methods and instruments for evaluating the arts instructional packages; and 
    4. proposals for small experimental and descriptive studies related to specific problems which will accelerate or benefit the process of curriculum development not only in the Project but in the arts in general.

Once these four areas were delineated, the next task was to determine specific evaluation activities which were reasonable for the time and staff resources available. These activities are listed by areas in Table 1. During the first year of evaluation (1969-1970) seven specific activities were delineated and implemented. After completion and critical evaluation of these first year activities, activities for the second year of evaluation (1970-1971) were delineated. Further inspection of Table 1 shows that four activities were continued in the second year of evaluation, while one was discontinued. Two activities were completed during the first year and five new activities were initiated in the second year. (p. 2, 3)

Purpose of report.
Operational plan.
Detailed description of how project progressed.
Periodic progress reports.
Accounting of student/teacher involvement with project arts activities.
Participation in formal arts courses.
Participation in Hubbard-Rouse art program.
Factors contributing to success or failure of the project.
Reactions to the project (1969-1970).
Student arts experience survey.
Reactions to Hubbard-Rouse art curriculum.
Development of methods and instruments for evaluating the arts instructional packages.
Revision of instructional packages.
Development of instruments.
Systematic observations.
Small descriptive and experimental studies.
Short term studies.
Long range studies.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 156



Name: CEMREL Aesthetic Education Program (1064-1981)

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