Author: NCAPER
Publication Year: 2022
Media Type: Report
The NCAPER Field Guide was created to help demystify federal disaster relief for the arts and culture sector by helping artists and arts organizations see what’s available, understand clearly what isn’t available, and decide if pursuing federal aid is a good use of time. The top programs of use to artists and arts organizations have been selected for inclusion.
The Field Guide gives a snapshot of federal disaster assistance programs that can go into effect after a presidentially declared disaster and focuses on longstanding programs that are likely to continue. It includes in-depth information about financial assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) along with introductory information about other federal resources that provide a mixture of financial and other assistance.
Spanish translation of the Arts Field Guide is available at the NCAPER website. Translated by Sandra Marulanda.
La traducción en español de Una Guía en el Campo de las Artes está disponible en el sitio web de NCAPER. Traducida por Sandra Marulanda.
This field guide gives in-depth information about financial assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) along with introductory information on other federal resources that provide a mixture of financial and/or informational assistance. These programs were selected because they are the top programs of use to artists and arts organizations. Within each resource, we identify whether it’s suited for individuals (artists and cultural workers) or organizations (arts nonprofits or arts-related businesses). If you are an individual artist operating as an arts-related business, you should consider programs directly targeting businesses.
We focus on the two main federal agencies that provide financial support after a disaster: FEMA and the SBA. Sections dedicated to each agency give you detailed guidance on the process of applying. Included are:
Program overviews
Eligibility criteria
Application process descriptions
Key decision points and helpful hints
Checklists of materials you will need
Each program has a multi-step process that puts you in contact with agency representatives for the duration. These representatives will be able to provide the most detailed and up-to-date information.
Beyond FEMA and the SBA, we offer introductions to eleven other federal resources that could be relevant to your needs for financial, information, or other assistance.
The NCAPER Field Guide gives a snapshot of federal disaster assistance programs that can go into effect after a declared disaster. It does not cover federal disaster programs specifically created in response to the COVID-19 crisis, but instead focuses on longstanding programs that are likely to continue. Keep in mind that federal programs are not set in stone and are updated or changed over time. This is a snap- shot of the most relevant resources as of 2021, though there may be other federal programs of use to you. Not every resource is available after every disaster. Some programs are ongoing, but others are activated based on the specific conditions on the ground once an official disaster has been declared.
Arts & Intersections: Community Development, Infrastructure, Planning, Public Welfare
Categories: Community Development, Creative Industries, Cultural Facilities, Environment and Sustainability, Federal, Local Arts Agencies, Organizational Planning, Public Welfare, Transportation & Infrastructure
Name: National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response (c/o CERF+)
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