The Arts Educator and Children with Special Needs

Author: National Committee, Arts for the Handicapped; CEMREL; and National Aesthetic Education Learning Center

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report


This book is a summary of a national symposium on arts education for children with special needs, sponsored and convened by the National Aesthetic Education Learning Center, CEMREL, Inc. and the National Committee, Arts for the Handicapped, to explore and highlight the basic issues and problems confronting arts educators and others who are seeking to provide quality arts programs for physically, emotionally and mentally handicapped children and youth.


This book is a summary of a national symposium on arts education for children with special needs, sponsored and convened by the National Aesthetic Education Learning Center, CEMREL, Inc. and the National Committee, Arts for the Handicapped, to explore and highlight the basic issues and problems confronting arts educators and others who are seeking to provide quality arts programs for physically, emotionally and mentally handicapped children and youth.

The position papers summarized here were presented by the eight symposium members on the first day. Delegates and invited resource persons shared their responses and reactions to each of the position papers and later worked with the presenters to develop the strategies and recommendations presented at the end of this volume. Mr. Kenneth Koch, poet, teacher, and originator of the Poets and Writers Collaborative, set the overall tone for the symposium when he addressed the issue of Teaching the Writing of Poetry: Problems and Possibilities. (p. 2)

Conference Overview.

Part l. A summary of the position statements prepared by conference delegates.
          How much and what kind of special preservice training do arts educators need
          to work with handicapped children?
          What is the scope and nature of information that arts educators need concerning
          children with special needs?
          How will the presence of handicapped children effect arts education programs?
          How much and what kind of special inservice training or re-education do arts
          educators need to work with handicapped children?
          What can national organizations dealing with arts education do to encourage
          educators to work with special children?
          How do special needs alter arts education programs outside the regular
          classroom setting?
          What kinds of environmental adaptations are necessary to work with
          handicapped children in music and art?
          What kinds of environmental adaptations are necessary to work with
          handicapped children in dance and drama?
          What stereotypes, fears and attitudes act as barriers to arts educators working
          with handicapped children?

Part 2. A summary of strategies identified to further develop personnel preparation
           The prepared papers:
                Preservice training for the arts educator working with handicapped children.
                Needs of the special arts educator.
                Art education and the handicapped.
                What can national organizations dealing with arts education and special
                education do to encourage educators to work with special children?
                How do special needs alter arts education programs outside the regular
                classroom setting: an example from the Children's Museum in Boston.
                What kinds of environmental adaptations are necessary to work with
                handicapped children in music and art?
                What kinds of environmental adaptations are necessary to work with
                handicapped children in dance and drama? 
                Factors contributing to an ideal situation.
                Stereotypes, fears and attitudes as barriers to arts educators working with
                handicapped children.
                Symposium participants.
                Symposium resource people.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education, Access and Equity


Series Title:




Pages: 98



Name: Very Special Arts (formerly National Committee - Arts for the Handicapped)

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