An Arts in Education Source Book: A View From the JDR 3rd Fund

Author: JDR 3rd Fund, Arts in Education Program

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Book


From September 1, 1967 to August 31, 1979, the Arts in Education Program of the JDR 3rd Fund has pursued one major goal; to discover and refine a process for making all the arts integral to the general, or basic, education of all children in entire schools and school systems. During this twelve year period, a framework was devised for exploring several approaches, and much time, effort and a considerable amount of money were invested in giving form and substance to the idea.


From September 1, 1967 to August 31, 1979, the Arts in Education Program of the JDR 3rd Fund has pursued one major goal; to discover and refine a process for making all the arts integral to the general, or basic, education of all children in entire schools and school systems. During this twelve year period, a framework was devised for exploring several approaches, and much time, effort and a considerable amount of money were invested in giving form and substance to the idea.

In a publication of this kind, it is not practical to include detailed information regarding all of the projects and programs with which the Arts in Education Program has been associated. Further, it seemed that descriptions in depth of selected programs would be of greater interest and value to the reader than summary information concerning a much larger number of efforts. Therefore, case studies were commissioned in three categories: (1) The earlier programs initiated during the first six years: University City, Missouri and Jefferson County, Colorado; (2) School districts in the League of Cities for the Arts in Education: New York City and Winston Salem; (3) State education departments in the Ad Hoc Coalition of States for the Arts in Education: the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

The case study approach represents an attempt to achieve some objectivity by having independent writers - though ones admittedly knowledgeable about and sympathetic to the overall goals of the Fund - document these programs through on-site interviews and observations. The writers probed the human interactions, problems to be overcome, and the dynamics of change - some traumatic, some triumphant - that have characterized these programs. The intent is to share these experiences with those who may aspire to move in a similar direction and, at the same time, to document the Fund's work over its 12-year history. The case studies were commissioned in 1978 and are updated through 1979.

The several Appendices are compilations of information and understandings gleaned from the Fund's involvement with various arts projects and work with the League of Cities and the Ad Hoc Coalition of States. Appendix A includes brief summaries of all the projects the Fund has been associated with along with a list of the grants the Fund has made. Appendix B summarizes the processes and strategies school districts in the League used to organize comprehensive arts in general education programs and provides addresses for individual districts as a source of further information about specific programs. Addresses for the states in the Coalition are also provided.

Appendix C defines frequently used terminology in an attempt to establish a common language to facilitate more accurate communication. Appendix D presents a rationale for the arts in education - ten specific ways that the arts can contribute to the basic education of every person. Appendix E lists ten characteristics of school systems that have developed effective arts in general education programs, features that ensure an improved educational program. Appendix F characterizes collaborative community/school arts efforts on various levels of educational effectiveness. (p. xi-xii)


Part 1. The first six years. 

Chapter 1. Defining the task by Kathryn Bloom. 

Origin of the idea. 
Establishment of the arts in education program and the first pilot projects.

Chapter 2. Extending the concept by Kathryn Bloom. 

Projects that support arts in education program in school systems.
Research and evaluation.
The study of the arts in pre-collegiate education.
Lessons learned and used as building blocks for future development.
Networks of school districts and state education departments.
The administrative fellowship training program.

Chapter 3. Case study: University City - ten years of age by Junius Eddy.

Genesis of an idea.
The setting.
Planning and staffing.
Moving ahead.
Developing units of instruction.
Utilizing and creating complementary resources.
An interim assessment.
Project becomes Program.
A Decade of change.
A contradictory picture.
The Senior High School of the Arts.
Other developments.
Up against the system.
A look ahead.

Chapter 4. Case study: The inservice factor - Jeffco's arts in education
                                  program by Junius Eddy.

The setting.
The catalyst.
The planning stage.
Planning year lessons.
The golden area pilot.
Operation Sandcastle.
Growing pains: When is a model not a model?
Limited expansion.
Diversified team tasks.
Going district-wide: Another transition period.
Aid from the staff development academy.
The arts resource team.
The administrative team.
The art and music programs.
The elementary schools.
The secondary schools.
Some concluding observations.

Part 2. The second six years: School districts. 

Introduction: New York City - Birthplace of the League of Cities' model
                   process for school change and development through the arts
                   by Jane Remer.

Design for change.
The AGE manifesto.
The concept of school development through the arts and the process for achieving it as formulated in AGE.
From New York City to the League of Cities in three short years. The significance of The League of Cities. Getting down to cases.

Chapter 5. Case Study: New York City - school development through
                                   the arts by Charles Fowler.

The background and planning process.
Getting the program rolling.
The concept of school development.
The AGE program in operation.
Weathering crises.
The network in action.
The mini-networks.
Artists and arts organizations.
Community response.

Chapter 6. Case study: Winston-Salem: The management of adaptation
                                   by Nancy Shuker.

Initiating the program.
The planning process.
Task forces.
The ABC plan.
Community resources.
Beginning the second year: 1976-1977.
The reaction of teachers.
The arts resource team.
Teaching teachers.
Consolidating gains.
Expanding the network.

Part 3. The second six years: State education departments. 

Introduction: The Ad Hoc coalition of states for the arts in
                   education by Kathryn Bloom.

Chapter 7. Case study: The influence of Pennsylvania's Department of 
                                  Education and the fund's role by Charles Fowler.

The Fund's initial role in Pennsylvania.
Factors favorable to Pennsylvania.
Gaining support.
Implementing the approach.
Curriculum regulations.
The response in the districts.
The effect on higher education.
The changing role of state departments.
What remains to be done.

Chapter 8. Case study: Oklahoma - winds of change by Charles Fowler.

Getting started.
Demonstration schools.
Role of the State Arts Council.
Winning administrative support.
The influence of the SDE.
Progress in the schools.
Reaching the rural areas.

Chapter 9. The unfinished task by Kathryn Bloom.

Appendix A: Grants and related support provided by the JDR 3rd Fund's arts in
                   education program, 1968-1979.
Appendix B: Considerations for school systems contemplating a comprehensive arts in
                   general education program by Jane Remer.
Appendix C. A glossary of terms used in comprehensive arts in general education
                   program by Jane Remer.
Appendix D. A rationale for the arts in education by Kathryn Bloom and Jane Remer.
Appendix E: Ten characteristics of school systems that have developed effective arts in
                   general education programs by Jane Remer.
Appendix F: Community arts programs and educational effectiveness in the schools by
                   Kathryn Bloom.

The JDR 3rd fund.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-9604224-0-4

Pages: 249



Name: JDR 3rd Fund

Website URL: