Arts in Education Partners: Schools and Their Communities

Author: Shuker, Nancy

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report


From December 1, 1976 to December 3, 1976, more than 100 people representing public school systems, arts institutions and Junior Leagues met in Oklahoma City to explore ways of working together more effectively to improve the quality of public education through the arts.


From December 1, 1976 to December 3, 1976, more than 100 people representing public school systems, arts institutions and Junior Leagues met in Oklahoma City to explore ways of working together more effectively to improve the quality of public education through the arts.

For three days and two nights these disparate individuals from 36 cities in 22 states grappled with the processes of change, explored the roles and functions of different institutions in a community, and shared a common excitement at the prospect of making the arts a fundamental part of every child's education.

A national meeting that brought together representatives from schools, arts institutions and Junior Leagues might enable the participants to examine problem areas together and overcome the isolation that many projects encounter. If successful, we thought, such a meeting could produce guidelines for working together. This kind of information, compiled in a handbook, would be of great assistance to other communities and school systems seeking to establish arts in educational programs.    (p. 6-7)


Chapter 1.
     The arts in education, a new movement by Kathryn Bloom.
     A decade of change.
     Developing arts in education partnerships.
     Arts in education partnerships in action.
     Aesthetic education in Birmingham.
     Aesthetic education in Memphis.
     Opening doors in education in Oklahoma City.
     Arts in education in Little Rock.
     Arts for learning in Seattle.

Chapter 2.
     The partnership: School systems and their communities by Arnold Webb.
     The arts community and their school systems by Michael Newton.
     Junior leagues and the arts by Susan Greene.

Chapter 3.
     Resources and opportunities: State department of education by Clyde McGeary.
     State arts agencies by Bill Jamison.
     Organizations concerned with arts in education.

Chapter 4.
     A working conference.
     The two sides of responsibility .
     The task force summary.
     A closer look at ourselves.

Chapter 5.
     A rationale for the arts in education.

Arts in education symposium agenda.
Arts in education symposium delegates.
Bibliography and picture credits.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 125




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