The Arts Council of Great Britain

Author: White, Eric W.

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Book


This book is a personal and partial record, not a history. It covers the period when CEMA (the Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts) was operating during the war, preparing the way for the Government's decision in 1945 to set up the Arts Council of Great Britain, and also the first quarter century (and more) of the Arts Council's existence.


This book is a personal and partial record, not a history. It covers the period when CEMA (the Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts) was operating during the war, preparing the way for the Government's decision in 1945 to set up the Arts Council of Great Britain, and also the first quarter century (and more) of the Arts Council's existence. In 1942 I was appointed assistant Secretary to CEMA, in 1966 I was appointed Literature Director to the Arts Council, and in 1971 I retired as Assistant Secretary and Literature Director to the Arts Council after twenty-nine years of continuous service. I accordingly saw from the inside many of the activities I have tried to chronicle in this book. (p. 11).

Arts Council pre-history: the story of CEMA. 
1.   The struggling thirties. 
2.   Pilgrims and Pioneers. 
3.   CEMA under Lord Keynes. 
4.   Planning the Arts Council. 
      The Chartered Arts. 
5.   Two Charters of Incorporation (constitutional changes, ministers, chairmen and
6.   Money (government subsidy, help from the rates, trusts and foundations, receipts
      from the public). 
7.   Drama (direct promotion, repertory theatres, exemptions from entertainments duty,
      national companies, experimental theatre, censorship, theatre for young people,
      special themes, the theatre today, the theatre investment fund. 
8.   Opera and Ballet (Opera and ballet policy, opera training, opera and ballet
      subsidies, touring for opera, ballet and drama). 
9.   Music (symphony orchestras, chamber orchestras, music societies, awards and
      scholarships for music students).
10. Visual arts (an exhibition service, galleries managed by the arts council, the living
      artist, art organizations, films on art).
11. Literature (a policy for poetry, a policy for literature).
12. Festivals.
13. Housing the arts.
14. Boundaries (National, regional, overseas).
15. New lines of policy. Personal postscript.
16. Three Vignettes.
17. Two introductions.
18. GBS and the Arts Council Bulletin.
19. South Bank into Arts Centre [center].
20. An invitation to serve.
21. Manuscripts.
22. Some applicants and non-applicants.
23. Retirement and the Catfish Controversy.

     A. The texts of the two charters of incorporation.
     B. List of members of the Arts Council, 1946-75.
     C. Financial tables.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: International, Funding


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-7067-0108-9

Pages: 326



Name: Davis-Poynter, Ltd.

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