The Arts, Communities, And Youth, Some Implications for the Employment and Training Act

Author: Massachusetts State Manpower Services Council

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report


Over the past few years, the has seen a dramatic growth of interest and involvement in the arts. No longer a luxury for the privileged few, the arts are a day-today part of the lives of millions of Americans. Participation in the arts through performances, exhibitions, and classes is now considered a key ingredient in making life more liveable, especially in our urban centers. In addition, arts activities are now acknowledged as an effective and innovative means of helping our your people become job ready.


Over the past few years, the has seen a dramatic growth of interest and involvement in the arts. No longer a luxury for the privileged few, the arts are a day-today part of the lives of millions of Americans. Participation in the arts through performances, exhibitions, and classes is now considered a key ingredient in making life more liveable, especially in our urban centers. In addition, arts activities are now acknowledged as an effective and innovative means of helping our your people become job ready. In recognition of the increasing role the arts are playing in employment and training, the Massachusetts Department of Manpower Development, State Manpower Services Council staff created the position of Arts Coordinator. Our Arts Coordinator, Kaleel Sakakeeny, has prepared this impact statement for your response. This arts impact statement is designed as a working report to help you in your planning and to invite your comments and observations prior to a Department of Labor - Department of manpower Development CETA/Arts conference to be scheduled this fall. (From a letter in the beginning of this work).

   I. Background.
  II. Young people and the arts.
 III. CETA and the arts.
IV. CETA arts projects in Massachusetts.
 V. Other possible arts projects for your people.
VI. Where to get additional information.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Creative Youth Development, Community Development


Series Title:




Pages: 32



Name: Massachusetts State Manpower Services Council

Website URL: