Arts Commissions in Washington State: Profiles, Selected Legal Documents and Arts Commission Papers

Author: Fuller, Lucille

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report


This document primarily concerns local government arts commissions - King Country, Seattle, Tacoma/Pierce County, Bellevue, Bellingham, Everett, Edmonds and others, totaling 16 active arts commissions in addition to the state commission. Part I reviews Government and the Arts in Washington, legal considerations, the arts commission itself, its powers and duties, procedures, policy, goals, programs, and services, percent-for-art commitment; also the involvement of other governmental departments in the arts, especially parks and recreation, and the non-governmental arts support organizations which often are the instigators and the friendly watchdogs of government's involvement in the arts.


This document primarily concerns local government arts commissions - King Country, Seattle, Tacoma/Pierce County, Bellevue, Bellingham, Everett, Edmonds and others, totaling 16 active arts commissions in addition to the state commission. Part I reviews Government and the Arts in Washington, legal considerations, the arts commission itself, its powers and duties, procedures, policy, goals, programs, and services, percent-for-art commitment; also the involvement of other governmental departments in the arts, especially parks and recreation, and the non-governmental arts support organizations which often are the instigators and the friendly watchdogs of government's involvement in the arts. Part II gives a profile of each arts commission, followed by ordinances, resolutions, bylaws, guidelines for programs and for percent-for-art projects, and other selected arts commission papers. All cities of over 8,500 population as well as all counties are identified, giving brief general information on each. In addition to the profiles of the arts commissions, arts activities in the government's recreation programs are also noted. Completing the report is a section on the Washington State Arts Commission. (p. vii)

 I. Government and the arts in Washington.
    Local government and the arts.
    Counties and the arts.
    Cities and the arts.
    Legal considerations.
    Classification of cities.
    Statutory authority.
    Optional Municipal code.
    Article VIII Sections 5 and 7 of the state constitutions.
    Arts programming for recreation.
    Interlocal/intergovernmental cooperation.
    Recreation districts.
    Open public meetings law.
    Code of ethics, conflict of interests, and public disclosure.
    The arts commission.
    Ordinance establishing a local arts commission.
    Bylaws and procedures.
    Policy and goals.
    Programs and services.
    Budgeting and accounting.
    Reporting and public relations.
    Other components of success.
    Artists and the arts commission.
    Art as government property.
    Other governmental involvement in the arts.
    Parks and recreation departments.
    Building codes and planning departments.
    Public libraries.
    Museums and historic preservation agencies.
    Arts in education.
    Community arts councils.
    Allied arts of Seattle.
    Arts Alliance of Washington.

II. Arts commission and arts activities. 
    Profiles, selected legal documents and arts commission papers.
    Cities of over 8,500 population and two smaller cities with arts commissions.
    Arts activities in counties in Washington King County.
    Counties other than King.
    Washington State Arts Commission

1. Community Arts Councils, arts support groups and arts agencies in
    Washington State. 
2. State arts agencies and other agencies and organizations of general interest. 
3. Public library directory - City, country, regional libraries. 
4. Public museums in Washington State.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Legislation, Advocacy


Series Title:




Pages: 270



Name: University of Washington, Institute of Governmental Research

Website URL: