The Arts Catalogue of New Jersey

Author: Pipines, Pamela and Ripmaster, Terence

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Book


While there are many publications that list activities and calendars for the arts, there was a need for one complete listing. We have been engaged in the production of a weekly television program on the New Jersey arts, and needed to locate a unified source of information but found that none existed. We contacted the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and discovered that they had not published such a book. We then began work on this catalogue


The purpose of this catalogue is to present a unified source of information on the arts in New Jersey.

While there are many publications that list activities and calendars for the arts, there was a need for one complete listing. We have been engaged in the production of a weekly television program on the New Jersey arts, and needed to locate a unified source of information but found that none existed. We contacted the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and discovered that they had not published such a book. We then began work on this catalogue.

We have listed organizations and individuals without regard to their merits or the quality of their activities. The reader will have the addresses and information of the existing arts organizations, but it should be remembered that the New Jersey arts and cultural activities are in a constant state of flux and this means that a work of this type can quickly become out-of-date.

We cannot predict the value or uses of this volume, but it is our hope that artists will be able to locate places to perform and that businesses and professional organizations will find this information useful in their efforts to enlighten people regarding New Jersey's artistic community. This information should dispel the belief that New Jersey is a cultural wasteland.

There are several essays and reports throughout the book which expand upon the listed information. No subject is so replete with subjective attitudes and personal taste as are the arts. We realize that some readers will not share the same views of the different authors, but we do hope that readers will feel free to respond with suggestions and additional insights. (p. ix)


Chapter I. Arts organizations: 

     Arts Associations and councils. 
     Professional arts organizations.

Chapter II. Crafts: 

     General craft organizations. 
     Various craft areas.

Chapter III. Dance:

     Dance companies and schools. 
     Ethnic dance. 
     Folk and square dancing.

Chapter IV. Media Arts: 

     Radio stations. 

Chapter V. Music: 

     General music organizations. 
     Folk music. 
     Instrumental music. 
     Concert hall locations. 
     Vocal music.

Chapter VI. Literature: 

     Publishers in New Jersey. 
     Magazines and periodicals. 
     Source books on the arts.

Chapter VII. Theatre and puppetry: 

     Theatre organizations. 
     Dinner theatres. 

Chapter VIII. Galleries: 

     Information centers, national and international art galleries

Chapter IX. Libraries.

Chapter X. Museums and historical sites.

Chapter XI. Arts Education: 

     State and local arts organizations. 
     Colleges and universities. 
     Art schools.

Chapter XII. Grants and scholarships: 

     Grants and scholarship organizations. 
     Local New Jersey foundations. 
     National foundations. 
     Grants and Fellowships. 

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Artists-Resources for


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-89529-064-2

Pages: 249



Name: Avery Publishing Group

Website URL: