The Arts in Canada: Today and Tomorrow

Author: Canadian Institute of Public Affairs

Publication Year: 1975

Media Type: Book


In this period of economic restraint, priorities must be weighed very carefully. Now is the time to ask just how important are the arts to Canada and Canadians. Can we maintain quality yet still foster the direct participation of all Canadians? Who should pay for the arts, and what priority should they be given in public expenditures? What contribution should be expected of us as private individuals? These are the questions and concerns explored at the 1976 Couchiching Conference.


In this period of economic restraint, priorities must be weighed very carefully. Now is the time to ask just how important are the arts to Canada and Canadians. Can we maintain quality yet still foster the direct participation of all Canadians? Who should pay for the arts, and what priority should they be given in public expenditures? What contribution should be expected of us as private individuals? These are the questions and concerns explored at the 1976 Couchiching Conference. (p. v).

The arts in perspective - contributions by Joseph Green, Paul Shafer, Vincent Tovell.
The politics and economics of art - contributions by Louis Applebaum, Jane Bigelow, Arnold Edinborough, Walter Kaasa, Charles Lussier, Peter Swann, Robert Welch.
The theatre arts - contributions by Bill Glassco, David Haber, Joanne Morrow, Neil Sneyd.
The visual arts - contributions by Greg Curnoe, Tom Forrestall, Maryon Kantaroff, Louis Nuber.
The writing and publishing arts - contributions by Doris Anderson, W. H. Clark, J.J. Douglas, Graeme Gibson, Jack Gray, Naim Kattan.
Arts in our heritage - contributions by Ian Clark, Tom Hill, R.A.J. Phillips, Lister Sinclair.
An international context - contributions by Ronald Bryden, Gilles Lefebre, Brian Macdonald, Michael Newton.
Considerations in creating - contributions by John Beckwith, Brian Macdonald, James Reaney.
Tomorrow's opportunity: pay television - contributions by Doug Baer, Kirwan Cox, Jack Craine, Sandra Gathercole, Michael Hind-Smith, Greg Kane, Douglas Leiterman, Peter Pearson, Don Shebib, Paul Siren, Michael Spencer, David Walker, Sylvane Walters, Colin Watson, Moses Znaimer.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Creative Economies


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-919692-02-8

Pages: 187



Name: Yorkminster Publishing

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