Arts and the States

Author: Briskin, Larry

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Book


This is a report of the Arts Task Force of the National Conference of State Legislatures. The National Conference of State Legislatures established the Arts Task Force in July, 1978, by inviting each state to appoint one or more members. From the Task Force's inception, its members demonstrated great interest and enthusiasm.


This is a report of the Arts Task Force of the National Conference of State Legislatures. The National Conference of State Legislatures established the Arts Task Force in July, 1978, by inviting each state to appoint one or more members. From the Task Force's inception, its members demonstrated great interest and enthusiasm. The nine Task Force meetings were informative, stimulating and enjoyable and are reported to be among the best attended of any group that NCSL has sponsored. Task Force members applied the knowledge gained at these meetings to enact arts legislation, to increase state arts appropriations, and to implement other important arts programs and policies in their home states. (Introduction, p. 4).

[For an update see Arts and the States Update 1984.]

Chairman's introduction.
The NCSL and the arts.
Recommended state arts legislation.
Percent-for-art in public places.
The arts in education.
Arts in basic education.
In-service teacher training.
Programs for children gifted and talented in the arts.
Schools for the arts.
Artists' rights.
Artist-art dealer relations.
Artists' live-work space.
Art preservation.
Resale royalties.
Tax legislation.
Artists' income tax deductions.
Death taxes.
Consumer protection for purchasers of art.
State governmental organizations of the arts.
Department of cultural resources.
Composition of state agencies.
Other issues.
Art banks.
Artists-in residence.
Director appropriations for arts institutions.
Historic preservation.
Nonprofit arts organizations.
Local arts fund.
Advocating the arts in state legislatures.
Approaches to arts advocacy.
The economic impact approach.
Public support for the arts.
Government arts support - an historical perspective.
Aesthetic considerations.
How some states have increased their arts appropriations.
Giving the arts importance within the state legislative structure.
Innovative state arts laws and programs - A State - by - state analysis.
Other important areas of state arts involvement.
State arts agencies.
Community arts agencies.
Rural areas and the arts.
Folk arts and folklife programs.
Minorities and the arts.
Arts and the disabled.
The arts' healing role.
Artists' employment.
State support for public broadcasting.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Legislation, Arts Education


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-941336-00X (p)

Pages: 96



Name: National Conference of State Legislatures

Website URL: