Arts and Schooling

Author: South Carolina Department of Education

Publication Year: 1978

Media Type: Report


This booklet is a record of the proceedings of the Arts and Schooling Conference held in Columbia, South Carolina, April 9. 1979, sponsored by the South Carolina Department of Education and supported by funds from an arts education grant from the U. S. Office of Education.


This booklet is a record of the proceedings of the Arts and Schooling Conference held in Columbia, South Carolina, April 9. 1979, sponsored by the South Carolina Department of Education and supported by funds from an arts education grant from the U. S. Office of Education.

The purpose of the conference was to focus attention and discussion upon a broad spectrum of relationships between the arts and aspects of schooling. The conference was designed to assemble speakers from each of the arts disciplines (ie: art, drama, dance, media, music), that could promulgate notions relating to motivation, right-left hemisphere research, cognition, gifted, handicapped, critical thinking processes, the disadvantaged and creativity. Although there are a number of arts researchers and scholars in South Carolina, an attempt was made to select a small diverse group that mirrored the range and depth of arts scholarship currently being conducted in the state. The invited speakers came from various agencies, groups, colleges, universities and local school districts.

The views presented in this anthology are divergent; that was intended. If arts education is to achieve a more prominent position in the school and community, genuine decisions must be based on divergent views in order to have an opportunity to assume the right direction. The right direction is always a choice between alternatives, each of which depends on the perceptions, the data, and the realities of schooling.

South Carolina has witnessed positive growth in arts education during the decade of the seventies. But, we are embarking on the edgte of a new decade - the eighties. What does the future hold for us and what questions do we need to ask? These difficult tasks were addressed by Dr. Brouch in the keynote address in which she identified the following four issues:

    1. What arts are we talking about and how did we come to this point in time?

    2. What factors mitigate against our success as educators with regard to effective schooling and what are some of the positive aspects of our school systems?

    3. What are some of our choices with regard to the predictable future?

    4. How do the arts connect to the present and future of schooling and of what value are they to our culture?

It is clear that our society, including the educational community, is pluralistic. That is, the functions and tasks of individuals and schools are interdependent. As such, arts education does not and will not exist in a vacuum. What this implies is a need to continue examining how the arts relate to schooling, especially in relation to demographics, values, needs, and the future educational environment. (p. i)


Chapter 1. Keynote. 
                Building walls or building bridges: The Arts connection to future schooling.
Chapter 2. The arts and creativity - an administrative perspective.
Chapter 3. The visual arts and schooling: Art education's diverse directions in
Chapter 4. Music and schooling.
Chapter 5. Looking at art as a procedure for teaching disadvantaged students how to
                think critically.
Chapter 6. Arts in schooling for the gifted.
Chapter 7. Attacking the rearview mirror.
Chapter 8. Arts education for knowledge.
Chapter 9. Arts and schooling: a future-oriented perspective.
Chapter 10. Perspectives in dance.
Chapter 11. An unfilled need - a look at arts with the handicapped.
Chapter 12. About the authors.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 102



Name: South Carolina Department of Education

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