The Arts and Culture Industry of the Catskills

Author: Rashap, Arthur and Patterson, Benjamin

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report



In summary:

Arts and culture - and especially the people creating, administering and promoting arts and culture - are among the most valuable resources of the Catskill Region. Any overall plan for the development of these regional resources must seriously address the individual needs of these artists and administrators to earn an acceptable livelihood through their professions.

The potential opportunities for the overall economic development of the Region offered by these arts and cultural resources are insufficiently understood and barely supported or exploited by those local interests which benefit most significantly by the multiplier factor. As a result (with the possible exception of The Erpf Catskill Cultural Center), there are no broad based organizational structures - public or private - through which the planning, investing and promoting necessary to market these resources beyond the borders of the Region can be achieved.

The numbers developed by our study are as follows:

    1. Artists and craftspeople: 2771+.
    2. Non-profit cultural organizations: 63+. (75-100).
    3. Post-secondary arts courses: 929+.
    4. Non-affiliated study programs: 34+
    5. Total media outlets: 78+.
    6. Non-profit organization budgets (1978 estimated): $4,500,000.
    7. Individual artists/craftspeople/musicians income: $5,926,000.
    8. Receipts from arts industry (direct): $52,763,800.
    9. Economic impact of arts industry: $125,000,000.

These recommendations outline proposals for development in seven general areas - Overall, Organization, Communications and promotion, funding and investment, marketing and technical services, facilities and other recommendations - to address the needs suggested by this study. (p. 41)

  1. Preface.
  2. Methodology.
  3. Acknowledgments.
  4. Orientation.
  5. Boundaries and characteristics of the area of study.
  6. Population.
  7. Overall economy of the Catskills.
  8. Tourism in the Catskills and the impact of arts and culture on tourism.
  9. The cultural resources of the Catskills:
           A. Overview.
           B. Visual Arts and Crafts producers. 
           C. Marketing the visual arts and crafts.
           D. Performing artists.
           E. Marketing the performing arts.
           F. The literary arts, photographers, filmmakers and video artists.
           G. Marketing the literary arts.
10. The non-profit cultural organizations of the Catskills: 
           A. Rate of growth.
           B. CETA.
           C. General fund raising.
           D. Endowments.
           E. Staff development.
           F. Hidden subsidy.
11. The arts education industry in the Catskills.
12. Facilities.
13. Historic sites in the Catskills.
14. Media resources available.
15. Overall economic impact of the arts and culture industry.
16. Financial support for the arts and culture industry.
17. Summary and recommendations:
           A. Overall.
           B. Organization.
           C. Communications and promotion.
           D. Funding and investment.
           E. Marketing.
           F. Facilities.
           G. Other recommendations

       1. Finances of cultural organizations.
       2. Sources of income.
       3. Expenses.
       4. Three year summary.
       5. Programs.
       6. Membership and staff.
       7. Facilities, Endowments, etc.
       8. County information.
       9. Questionnaires, forms, etc.
     10. Selected bibliography.
     11. Resource bibliography.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Economic Impact


Series Title:




Pages: 107



Name: Erpf Catskill Cultural Center

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