Arts and Cognition, and Basic Skills

Author: Madeja, Stanley S.

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report


The papers published in this yearbook were commissioned for the purpose of investigating the nature of cognition and the development of basic skills as these phenomena relate to the arts. They were delivered and discussed at a conference titled The Arts, Cognition, and Basic Skills, which was held in Aspen, Colorado, in June 1977. The intent of the conference was to create a framework allowing for a systematic investigation of these phenomena as they apply to instruction in the arts. The papers in this yearbook suggest researchable questions in the arts and provide examples of ongoing studies in these areas. The purpose of this introduction is to use the papers and the conference discussion to specify some areas for further research in the arts and cognition, and to elaborate on their implications for instruction.


The papers published in this yearbook were commissioned for the purpose of investigating the nature of cognition and the development of basic skills as these phenomena relate to the arts. They were delivered and discussed at a conference titled The Arts, Cognition, and Basic Skills, which was held in Aspen, Colorado, in June 1977. The intent of the conference was to create a framework allowing for a systematic investigation of these phenomena as they apply to instruction in the arts. The papers in this yearbook suggest researchable questions in the arts and provide examples of ongoing studies in these areas. The purpose of this introduction is to use the papers and the conference discussion to specify some areas for further research in the arts and cognition, and to elaborate on their implications for instruction. (p. 1)

Introduction by Stanley S. Madeja.

On cognition and emotion in the arts by Harry S. Broudy.
An informal framework for cognitive research in arts education by Martin Engel.
Show and tell: the arts.
Cognition, and basic modes of referring by Anita Silvers.
A response by Perkins:  
     The significance of interpretive disagreements for cognitive theories of the arts by
     D.N. Perkins.

The arts as basic skills: three cognitive functions of symbols by David R. Olson.
A response by Howard:  
     Remarks on the arts as basic skills: three cognitive functions of symbols by
     Vernon A. Howard.

Recycling symbols: A basic cognitive process in the arts by Brent Wilson and Marjorie Wilson.
A response by Gross: 
     Maps and territories: a discussion of recycling symbols by Larry Gross.

Phylogenic and ontogenic functions of artistic cognition by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
A response by Feldman: 
     Discussion of phylogenic and ontogenetic functions of artistic cognition by
     David Feldman.

Emotion and cognition: aesthetics and science by Howard S. Gruber.
A response by Parsons: 
     A discussion of emotion and cognition: aesthetics and science by Michael J.

Visual art and the structures of the mind by Julian Hochberg.

Intuitive and formal musical knowing: parables of cognitive dissonance by Jeanne Bamberger.
A response by Leonhard: 
     A commentary on intuitive and formal musical knowing by Charles Leonhard.

Identification and different arts media by John M. Kennedy.
A response by Ecker: 
     The many kinds of identification by David W. Ecker.

The comprehension and appreciation of stories: a developmental analysis by Nancy L. Stein.
A response by Gardner: 
     From Melvin to Melville: on the relevance to aesthetics of recent research on story
     comprehension by Howard Gardner.

Conference participants.
Discussion groups.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 263



Name: CEMREL Aesthetic Education Program (1064-1981)

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