The Arts and City Livability

Author: Kriken, John L.

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Book


The arts share a common purpose with planning in helping to make a city livable. They also share a common situation; while interest for environmental quality grows, arts programs and planning programs are being challenged by budget limitations sweeping the country. This, then, would seem to be a timely moment to share the concerns of the arts and planning.


The arts share a common purpose with planning in helping to make a city livable. They also share a common situation; while interest for environmental quality grows, arts programs and planning programs are being challenged by budget limitations sweeping the country. This, then, would seem to be a timely moment to share the concerns of the arts and planning. The practice of planning deals broadly with all the land use subjects of the city; transportation, housing, commercial space, civic activities, open space, industry, etc. It is based on the assumption that public goals can be set and implemented through various governmental methods. It also assumes that the economic and political forces either favor change or retention of the status quo and can be guided or stimulated to some positive environmental purpose.

The practice of planning is most often based upon situations of either economic decline or rapid economic growth, both of which are often viewed as destructive to the quality of urban life and livability. For example, in San Francisco this could mean the introduction of tall buildings which disrupt the views and otherwise alter the fabric of the city's neighborhoods. In San Antonio, it may have meant the decline, or even removal, of historically interesting buildings for lack of an economic service role that they could play in the community. In both instances, the methods to treat these issues are different. (p. 1).

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Economic Impact, Community Development


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-915400-20-0 (p)




Name: Americans for the Arts

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