Artists/Poets/Schools: A Study of the Poetry and Visual Arts Components of the Artists-in-Schools Program; Study Summary

Author: Western States Art Foundation

Publication Year: 1975

Media Type: Report


This report presents the findings of a comprehensive study of the Artists-in-Schools Program. The effort took place in 10 western states, gathered information from over 21,000 respondents and required 20 months to complete. In it you will read what administrators, artists, poets and teachers had to say about Artists-in-Schools. Equally important, you will find out how students, themselves,reacted to their experience.


This report presents the findings of a comprehensive study of the Artists-in-Schools Program. The effort took place in 10 western states, gathered information from over 21,000 respondents and required 20 months to complete. In it you will read what administrators, artists, poets and teachers had to say about Artists-in-Schools. Equally important, you will find out how students, themselves,reacted to their experience.

As a Steering Committee, our first concern was that the study provide an accurate picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the AIS program as it operates in schools. At the conclusion of the study, we learned that the successes far out-number the failures and that there is an overwhelming positive response to the work of artists and poets in classrooms. It also appears that the value of AIS goes beyond the arts to effect other areas of learning. Because of the size of the population sample and the diversity of communities studied, the committee is confident that the findings can be projected to visual arts and poetry residencies throughout the .

The Steering Committee believes the study findings warrant expansion of Artists-in-Schools to serve far greater numbers of students and teachers; and accordingly, recommend the program as a sound educational investment to local school districts. Finally, the Committee wishes to emphasize its position that the Artists-in-Schools program is not a replacement for professional arts teachers and a strong arts curriculum. It is, rather, a separate and complementary experience which will contribute to the realization of the goals of arts education, as well as those of education in general. (p. 1)

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 17



Name: Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF)

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