Artists in the City: A Report on CETA Artists in St. Paul

Author: COMPAS

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Report


In 1976, when the St. Paul Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) program first became available, Community Programs in the Arts (COMPAS), St. Pauls community arts agency, saw an opportunity to aid artists in finding full-time, year-long employment as well as strengthening its own programmatic services to the community.


In 1976, when the St. Paul Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) program first became available, Community Programs in the Arts (COMPAS), St. Pauls community arts agency, saw an opportunity to aid artists in finding full-time, year-long employment as well as strengthening its own programmatic services to the community.

In its first year, seven positions (six artists and one coordinator) were funded, and their initial work helped secure additional funding for 73 positions in the next year. The program was a success. The report states:

  • Artists have been given employment opportunities in their own craft--working for a salary to paint or dance instead of waiting on tables.
  • Public art works are now enlivening the city for all citizens to enjoy.
  • Various city agencies have become more aware of the value of the arts and artists in their city.
  • Many citizens of St. Paul have had opportunities to become involved with the arts.
  • Artists have been acknowledged as part of the labor force as and such were included in a public service programs.
  • Artists were given training and experience which will prove helpful for future employment.

This book gives a summary of what occurred during the year-long CETA/COMPAS program. Included are:

  • the successful aspects of the program and some recommendations for future programs;
  • goals;
  • program design;
  • a quantitative report;
  • procedures;
  • artists evaluations; and
  • a directory of artists.

Part One -
Perspective on the Program.
Introduction (How to Read This Book).
Chapter 1: Goals.
Chapter 2: Program Design and Hiring Procedure.
Chapter 3: Project Implementation and Recommendations.
Chapter 4: Artist Evaluations.
Chapter 5: List of Agencies Served.

Part Two-
Close-Up: A Sampler of Ventures.
Artists-in-the-Schools: The Will to Dance; the Confidence to Write.
Adventuring in Neighborhoods: Street Savor and Dream Houses Inside Us All.
A Little Nuttier and Far More Confident.
A Special Space and Time: What It Was Like at Daytons Bluff.
Confirmation From the Outside That We Are Needed.
Arts and the Handicapped: Purified Arts and Powerful Tools.

Part Three -
Directory of the Artists.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Artists-Resources for


Series Title:




Pages: 88



Name: Compas, Inc.

Website URL: