The Art of Winning Corporate Grants

Author: Hillman, Howard and Chamberlain, Marjorie

Publication Year: 1979

Media Type: Report


Two billion dollars of corporate money will flow this year into the hands of worthy causes such as yours. Add on items such as gifts deducted on the corporate tax return as ordinary business expenses rather than charitable donations, and corporate largess reaches $4 billion annually. Corporations are indeed a major funding source.


Two billion dollars of corporate money will flow this year into the hands of worthy causes such as yours. Add on items such as gifts deducted on the corporate tax return as ordinary business expenses rather than charitable donations, and corporate largess reaches $4 billion annually. Corporations are indeed a major funding source.

Please do not draw erroneous conclusions from these figures. Corporate philanthropists are not signing checks with a pen in each hand, and you are not the only deserving prospective recipient. Competing for the same funds are hundreds of thousands of nonprofit agencies, including hospitals, federated campaigns such as the United Way, libraries, environmental protection groups, drug rehabilitation services, schools and cultural centers. Individuals also receive a share of the corporate philanthropy pie, in the form of scholarships and research grants.

By learning the art of winning corporate grants, you can gain an invaluable edge over your competition, because most fund-seekers have limited knowledge of the corporate funding process and how it differs from those of other philanthropic sources. Although there is some overlap in the methodology of corporate philanthropy versus foundation and governmental-agency giving, there are critical differences. Our book will help you understand those distinctions.

Much research went into this book. Besides borrowing from our past expertise, we read millions of published words on corporate philanthropy and social responsibility. We also sought the facts firsthand by interviewing corporate personnel on all relevant levels, from chairpersons of the board down to members of employee-contributions committees. Finally, insiders' tips and insights were graciously contributed to us by scores of successful corporate grant-seekers. Our next task was just as arduous as the research phase. We distilled the voluminous data into a quick-to-grasp, step by step format designed for busy, intelligent grant seekers, be they experienced pros or laypersons.

Part 1. Ten Keys to the Corporate Treasury:
                Know why corporations give.
                Know to whom corporations give.
                Know what corporations give.
                Know thyself.
                Develop creative tie-ins.
                Meet with the corporation.
                Write the winning proposal.
                Follow through.
Part 2. Questions evaluators ask.
Part 3. Sample proposal.
Part 4. Information sources.
     A. History and trends.
     B. Sample corporate contributions policy.
     C. Student aid.
     D. Tax-exempt status.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Private Sector


Series Title:




Pages: 180



Name: Vanguard Press

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