Art for the Preprimary Child

Author: Lewis, Hilda Present

Publication Year: 1971

Media Type: Report


This book is addressed primarily to those who facilitate early learning - parents and teachers. It consists of essays by writers whose background enables them to speak insightfully on their topic. Several essays are written by teachers of preprimary children. Others were written by research workers who have studied the art of young children. The book offers a theoretical framework for understanding child art, time-tested suggestions for working with young children at home and in school, and new approaches to art curricula for the young. No attempt has been made to advance a particular point of view by selecting authors with a common perspective. The reader will note points of concurrence as well as differences among contributors.


This book is addressed primarily to those who facilitate early learning - parents and teachers. It consists of essays by writers whose background enables them to speak insightfully on their topic. Several essays are written by teachers of preprimary children. Others were written by research workers who have studied the art of young children. The book offers a theoretical framework for understanding child art, time-tested suggestions for working with young children at home and in school, and new approaches to art curricula for the young. No attempt has been made to advance a particular point of view by selecting authors with a common perspective. The reader will note points of concurrence as well as differences among contributors.

The editor is indebted to the National Art Education Association for initiating the publication and to the authors who graciously contributed their time, energies and wisdom. (p. 5).

CONTENTS—Introduction by Hilda P. Lewis. The young child in his world by Lucile Perryman. Research on the art of young children by Lambert Brittain. The origin of creative power in children by Christopher Alexander. The role of the parent by Polly McVickar. The role of the teacher by Lois Lord. Art in children's learning by Ethel Young. Presenting materials effectively by Thelma Harms. Early education in the visual arts by Stanley S. Madeja.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 124



Name: National Art Education Association

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