Art: An Integral Part of Corporate Life

Author: Stanton, Frank

Publication Year: 1964

Media Type: Report


The arts are important to business. They are important primarily because they are increasingly prominent in practically every area of American life. This trend is a very obvious fact of our time - and no business can survive very long if it ignores the major new directions taken by the Society of which it is a part. The increased gravitation of Americans to the arts is clearly reflected in the unprecedented rise in attendance at museums and concerts, in the sale of works of art, serious music recordings, and books about art and music, and in the number and variety of performances of repertory theatre and the dance.

The arts are also important to business because the total area with which the modern business corporation must be concerned has widened very perceptibly over the past two decades. Along with the arts, education, for example, is more important to business than ever before; as are communications, international affairs, economics, public health, science, and almost everything else. (p. 23-30)


Includes introductory remarks by Fred Lazarus III.

The arts are important to business. They are important primarily because they are increasingly prominent in practically every area of American life. This trend is a very obvious fact of our time - and no business can survive very long if it ignores the major new directions taken by the Society of which it is a part. The increased gravitation of Americans to the arts is clearly reflected in the unprecedented rise in attendance at museums and concerts, in the sale of works of art, serious music recordings, and books about art and music, and in the number and variety of performances of repertory theatre and the dance.

The arts are also important to business because the total area with which the modern business corporation must be concerned has widened very perceptibly over the past two decades. Along with the arts, education, for example, is more important to business than ever before; as are communications, international affairs, economics, public health, science, and almost everything else. (p. 23-30)

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Private Sector


Series Title:







Name: Americans for the Arts (formerly Arts Councils of America)

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