Art and Business

Author: Blount, Winton Malcolm

Publication Year: 1977

Media Type: Conference paper/presentation


Remarks presented at Business in the Arts awards luncheon at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion Music Center in Los Angeles, CA. .....Nobody argues about whether art is a luxury or a necessity these days, although they once did. We recognize in a general way that it is a necessity, but I wonder if we realize just how much. We agree that art has to do with the quality of life we lead - not just as individuals but as a society. Still, it is arguable whether a higher quality of life is a necessity for society as, say, capital, or the law. But I would place art in the category of law and capital and freedom and opportunity as a fundamental requirement for maintaining any society fit for the human spirit.


Remarks presented at Business in the Arts awards luncheon at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion Music Center in Los Angeles, CA.

Nobody argues about whether art is a luxury or a necessity these days, although they once did. We recognize in a general way that it is a necessity, but I wonder if we realize just how much. We agree that art has to do with the quality of life we lead - not just as individuals but as a society. Still, it is arguable whether a higher quality of life is a necessity for society as, say, capital, or the law. But I would place art in the category of law and capital and freedom and opportunity as a fundamental requirement for maintaining any society fit for the human spirit.

I do not think it is a coincidence that those societies which we remember as having an important influence on the course of civilization have always been receptive to and encouraging of art and the artist, and not just the graphic arts. I mean art to include theatre, poetry, architecture, and music as well. From the amphitheatres of Athens, where any citizen might go to see and hear the works of the great Greek playwrights, to the concerts and plays in Central Park, we see the good society verifying those things which are of value to itself by making art available to its citizens. (p. 1, 2)

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Private Sector


Series Title:







Name: Americans for the Arts (formerly Business Committee for the Arts, Inc.)

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