America's Stake in New York City Arts and Culture

Author: Cultural Assistance Center

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report


This is the second report to the American people on the services provided by New York City's non-profit institutions of art and culture. This report is based on information from 95 arts and cultural institutions in New York City. In the period from July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1977, these institutions provided services to people or organizations in 1,180 cities outside New York City - 860 in the and 320 in 87 foreign countries.


This is the second report to the American people on the services provided by New York City's non-profit institutions of art and culture. This report is based on information from 95 arts and cultural institutions in New York City. In the period from July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1977, these institutions provided services to people or organizations in 1,180 cities outside New York City - 860 in the and 320 in 87 foreign countries. The services included loans of everything from art works and dance and opera productions to scientific specimens; they also included performances, touring productions, and film screening; various programs of advice and consultation; and technical aid. Includes a list of the organizations as well as the types of activities. This is the second report to the American people on the services they receive from New York City's non-profit institutions of art and culture.

The first report, entitled New York City as a National Cultural Resource, was published in 1977 by the Commission for Cultural Affairs of the City of New York. It explained how the City's non-profit cultural organizations deserve national support because they serve national constituencies - through museum loans of fine works of art, tours of performing arts groups, services for out-of-town visitors to the City's cultural institutions, and consultation and assistance to individuals and cultural activities all over the world.

The Cultural Commission's 1977 report included data on 48 New York City organizations, and it showed the extensive lending and performance programs that these groups carried out over a two-year period in numerous American and foreign cities; services had been provided by the New York-based institutions in 653 cities in the and another 203 abroad.

This year's follow-up report, published by the non-profit Cultural Assistance Center, Inc., is based on information from 95 arts and cultural institutions in New York City - 47 more than last year - and includes consultation and technical assistance programs in addition to loans and performances. In just 12 months, from July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1977, these 95 institutions provided services to people or organizations in 1,180 cities outside New York City - 860 in the and 320 in 87 foreign countries. To these foreign cities, New York City's institutions became, in effect, cultural emissaries for the . The services here and abroad included loans of everything from art works and dance and opera productions to scientific specimens; they also included performances, touring productions, and film screenings; various programs of advice and consultation; and technical aid.

All of this cultural activity is of course not a one-way process: New York City itself obviously benefits from the visits of performing arts groups and from the work of artists, art experts, and scholars who come to it from other parts of this and other countries. It is also on the receiving end of the lending programs and other cities' museums. But there is considerable evidence that New York City has become, perhaps more than either it or the American people realize, a national cultural capital and a resource of extraordinary breadth, distinction, and diversity, from which the rest of New York State, the country, and the world derive great benefit .

It seems clear, too, as last year's report indicated, that the nation's interests are very much served through programs designed to preserve and strengthen the national treasures of art and culture that are located in New York City and make it such a unique cultural center. These programs strengthen cooperation among cultural organizations here and abroad, to the benefit of the nation's artistic and cultural life.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Funding


Series Title:




Pages: 72



Name: Cultural Assistance Center

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