Americans Speak Out About the Arts: An In-Depth Look at Perceptions and Attitudes About the Arts in America

Author: Americans for the Arts

Publication Year: 2016

Media Type: Report


This report is an in-depth look at the perceptions and attitudes about the arts in the United States. An Americans for the Arts and Ipsos Public Affairs survey of more than 3,000 American adults over the age of 18 in December 2015, provides current insight on topics including support for arts education and government arts funding, personal engagement in the arts, the personal benefits and well-being that come from engaging in the arts, and if/how those benefits extend more broadly to the community.


It’s undeniable—the arts transform people and communities every day. But how do United States citizens feel about the arts? Do they value artistic activities and arts education? Do our country’s citizens feel the arts are an important part of their lives and do they support government funding for the arts?

There’s no need to guess at the answers for these questions. New research by Americans for the Arts provides an in-depth look at the perceptions and attitudes about the arts in the United States. An Americans for the Arts and Ipsos Public Affairs survey of more than 3,000 American adults over the age of 18 in December 2015, provides current insight on topics including support for arts education and government arts funding, personal engagement in the arts, the personal benefits and well-being that come from engaging in the arts, and if/how those benefits extend more broadly to the community.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Visual Art, Public Art, Performing Arts Organizations, Participation, Marketing and Communications, Local Arts Agencies, Funding, Federal, Economic Impact, Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 54

Resources: Document


Name: Americans for the Arts

Website URL: