Americans and the Arts: A Survey of Public Opinion

Author: National Research Center of the Arts

Publication Year: 1973

Media Type: Report


This report was commissioned by Associated Councils of the Arts and describes the results of a nationwide study of public opinion on the arts and cultural activities. ACA contracted with the National Research Center of the Arts, Inc., an affiliate of Louis Harris and Associates, Inc. for this study and was assisted in this effort by the National Endowment for the Arts.


This report was commissioned by Associated Councils of the Arts and describes the results of a nationwide study of public opinion on the arts and cultural activities. ACA contracted with the National Research Center of the Arts, Inc., an affiliate of Louis Harris and Associates, Inc. for this study and was assisted in this effort by the National Endowment for the Arts. (Acknowledgements)

This survey was designed to measure a variety of dimensions of the American public's interest in the arts. By use of the questionnaire shown in the Appendix of this report, a total of 3,005 personal interviews averaging one hour and thirty four minutes in length were conducted in January 1973 among a representative cross section of all Americans 16 years and older. The sample was scientifically drawn to ensure that all regions of the and major demographic groups would be accurately represented and that the data would be projectable to the nation's population as a whole. (Survey, p. 3)

List of tables.
The survey.

1. An overview of Americans' cultural attitudes and interests.
2. Preferences in the arts.
3. Participation in artistic activities.
4. Attendance at cultural events.
5. Obstacles to attendance.
6. Support of the arts.
7. Summary of findings.

       1. The sample of respondents: major demographic groupings.
       2. Cross tabulation of selected demographic characteristics.
       3. Meaning of the word cultural.
       4. Frequency of participation in selected leisure-time activities.
       5. Respondents who do selected leisure-time activities a great deal.
       6. Own interest in arts and culture compared with that of parents.
       7. Leisure-time activities that give most creative or artistic satisfaction.
       8. Whether household activities (such as carpentry, gardening, painting, or fixing 
           up things) are enjoyable and fulfilling.
       9. Participation in different hobbies and informal activities.
     10. Frequency of participation in different hobbies and informal activities.
     11. Importance of various job factors.
     12. Respondents who said job factor is very important.
     13. Respect for different kinds of occupations and professions.
     14. Respondents who have a great deal of respect for selected artistic occupations
           and professions.
     15. Perceived earnings of people in artistic occupations compared with earnings of
           most salaried people.
     16. Whether would like to see own children have a career in the arts.
     17. Reasons why would like/would not like to see own children have a career in
           the arts.
     18. Whether arts courses are now being offered in local schools.
     19. Arts courses that should be offered in schools.
     20. Importance for young people to attend various cultural events.
     21. Whether school children in the community are getting enough exposure to
           theatre, music, and similar events.
     22. Importance of cultural facilities to the quality of life and to the business and
           economy of the community.
     23. Agreement or disagreement with statements about the environment.
     24. Seriousness of visual pollution problems.
     25. Respondents who said visual pollution problem is serious.
     26. Agreement or disagreement with statements about museums in the arts.
     27. Type of museum preferred.
     28. Whether museums in the community make facilities available for other cultural
     29. Agreement or disagreement with statements about live theatre.
     30. Whether movies are seen primarily as light entertainment or artistic expression.
     31. Interest in going to see famous old films. 
     32. Importance of various factors in deciding whether to go to a play.
     33. Importance of various factors in deciding whether to go to a movie.
     34. Respondents who said factor is important in deciding whether to go to a play.
     35. Respondents who said factor is important in deciding whether to go to a movie.
     36. Availability of convenient movies.
     37. Agreement or disagreement with statements about concerts.
     38. How most enjoy listening to music.
     39. Types of music enjoyed and one type of music liked best.
     40. Type of dancing would like to see most at a dance performance.
     41. Types of books liked best and number of books read per year.
     42. Artistic activities engaged in at present and activities would like to engage in.
     43. Impact of participation in artistic activities on interest in seeing performances or
           exhibitions of others' works.
     44. Reasons for not engaging in various artistic activities.
     45. Artistic activities available to adults in community where they now live.
     46. Frequency of attendance at live performances of dance, concert or opera, and
           theatre in past 12 months.
     47. Frequency of visits to museums.
     48. Mean number of times attended performing arts events and museums in a year.
     49. Cultural attendance profile of the American public.
     50. Profile of frequent attenders at theatre, concerts, dance performances, and
     51. Hours a week spent at job or occupation.
     52. Hours a week spent at leisure.
     53. Frequency of attendance at various cultural events when growing up.
     54. Average age at which introduced to cultural events.
     55. Exposure when young to teachers and others with artistic interests.
     56. Exposure when young to cultural events through school field trips or in-school
     57. Influence of friends or family members with artistic interests on own artistic
     58. Influence of school field trips on interest in cultural events.
     59. Influence of outside groups coming to school to perform.
     60. Whether art and music appreciation courses taken in school or college.
     61. Whether studying art or music is essential to understanding and enjoyment.
     62. Attendance at cultural events today compared with five years ago.
     63. Reasons for attending cultural events more/less than five years ago.
     64. Reasons for not going to the theatre more often in the last 12 months.
     65. Reasons for not going to opera or concerts more often in the last 12 months.
     66. Reasons for not going to ballet or modern dance performances more often in
           the last 12 months.
     67. Sources of information used to find out about cultural events in own area or
     68. Adequacy of places for cultural events and physical conditions of theatres,
           concert halls, and museums in the community where you live.
     69. Adequacy of opportunity for creative activities in the community and
           importance of having more opportunities for self and for children and young
     70. Importance of having easily accessible cultural facilities.
     71. Accessibility of cultural facilities to where you live.
     72. Convenience of getting to the nearest public library, museum, concert hall, live
           theatre, and sports arena.
     73. Usual means of transportation to cultural activities in your own area.
     74. Inconveniences involved in attending cultural activities.
     75. Attitudes toward going out at night.
     76. Frequency of live theatre and ballet or modern dance performances accessible
           to where you live.
     77. Frequency of opera performances and symphony concerts or other live
           performances of classical music accessible to where you live.
     78. Perceived price of tickets to cultural events in own area.
     79. Whether total cost is an important factor that keeps you from attending cultural
           events more often.
     80. How often going to a cultural event is combined with eating out or meeting
     81. Interest in joining community groups that organize cultural trips.
     82. Perceived financial status of arts organizations.
     83. Perceived main source of financial support for selected cultural organizations.
     84. Attitudes toward government support for cultural organizations such as
           museums or symphony orchestras.
     85. Respondents who favor federal, state, or local government support of selected
           cultural organizations.
     86. Respondents who favor corporate or business support of selected cultural
     87. Attitudes toward responsibility of businesses to help support cultural activities in
           the community.
     88. Availability of and interest in arts activities (concerts, plays, films) during
           working day.
     89. Personal support of cultural organizations and activities through membership,
           donations or volunteer work.
     90. Kinds of volunteer work done to support cultural activities.
     91. Whether gifts to a cultural organization are believed to be allowed as a tax
     92. Willingness to pay additional taxes to maintain and operate cultural facilities.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Participation


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-915400-00-6 (p)

Pages: 162



Name: Americans for the Arts (formerly Associated Councils for the Arts)

Website URL: