Americans and the Arts: A Survey of Public Opinion

Author: National Research Center of the Arts

Publication Year: 1974

Media Type: Report


In January 1973 the first in-depth survey of the national public's attitude toward and participation in the arts and culture was conducted by the National Research Center of the Arts for the Associated Councils of the Arts, and that study, published by ACA under the title Americans and the Arts has served as a pioneering breakthrough in this important field. This current survey, commissioned by the National Committee for Cultural Resources as part of its broad program in support of the arts and culture in the United States, was designed both as an update of significant areas of the previous survey and as an examination of important new areas of public thought and opinion. The survey was conducted in June 1975 with data being obtained through personal, in-home interviews with a sample of 1,555 people 16 years of age and over


In recent years arts organizations and agencies concerned with the arts have increasingly realized that the views and attitudes of the public should be an integral ingredient in their planning processes. In January 1973 the first in-depth survey of the national public's attitude toward and participation in the arts and culture was conducted by the National Research Center of the Arts for the Associated Councils of the Arts, and that study, published by ACA under the title Americans and the Arts has served as a pioneering breakthrough in this important field. This current survey, commissioned by the National Committee for Cultural Resources as part of its broad program in support of the arts and culture in the United States, was designed both as an update of significant areas of the previous survey and as an examination of important new areas of public thought and opinion. The survey was conducted in June 1975 with data being obtained through personal, in-home interviews with a sample of 1,555 people 16 years of age and over. (Introduction).


Chapter 1. Summary of findings: 
                      Attendance at the performing arts.
                      Attendance at museums.
                      Personal participation in the arts.
                      General attitudes toward the arts.
                      Factors limiting arts attendance.
                      The financing of the arts.
                      Personal support of the arts.

Chapter 2. Attendance by Americans at arts and cultural events: 
                      The performing arts.
                      Demographic variations in attendance. 
                      Popular music and the movies.
                      Attendance at museums.
                      Demographic variations in museum attendance.

Chapter 3. Factors restricting attendance at arts and cultural events:
                      The performing arts.
                      People who do not ever go to the performing arts.
                      Early attendance at the performing arts.
                      Factors affecting attendance at museums.

Chapter 4. Accessibility of the arts and culture.

Chapter 5. Personal participation in the arts.

Chapter 6. Children and the arts.

Chapter 7. The importance of the arts in the community:
                      The arts in the context of economic and social programs. 
                      Personal support of the arts through taxes.

Chapter 8. The finances of the arts:
                      Sources of support.
                      Support for the individual artist.
                      A further look at federal support.

Appendix: tables.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Participation


Series Title:




Pages: 166



Name: Americans for the Arts (formerly Associated Councils for the Arts)

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