All the Arts for All the Kids: An Advocacy Handbook for the Arts Education Programs

Author: Minnesota Alliance for Arts in Education

Publication Year: 1980

Media Type: Report


What can you do to affect educational systems so that the arts are included? This handbook is designed as one part of Minnesota Alliance for Arts in Education's programming to provide some suggestions that have been successful elsewhere in advocating and planning arts into the school's programs.


What can you do to affect educational systems so that the arts are included? This handbook is designed as one part of Minnesota Alliance for Arts in Education's programming to provide some suggestions that have been successful elsewhere in advocating and planning arts into the school's programs. Some of the ideas are presented as simple ways to enhance programs or events already occurring - to highlight programs through better publicity techniques, to get maximum mileage out of an artist's residency, to develop some teaching plans that integrate dance and poetry or music and math.

Some of the ideas presented demand a large commitment of time and energy in planning curriculum and programs. MAAE stands firmly in support of an educational vision in which the arts are placed in the basic curriculum. MAAE advocates a comprehensive approach to arts in education programming. (p. 1)

Section 1. Introduction.

Welcome to the arts in education network.
Introduction to advocacy.
Comprehensive arts in education programming.
How to use the handbook.

Section 2. Getting started.

To begin with...questioning.
To begin overview.
Some role descriptions for a successful arts in education program.
Task force.
Surveying your school district.
Assessment worksheet.
Community assessment worksheet.
Places to start.
Yes-goals and objectives.
Worksheet on goals and objectives.

Section 3. Making your program work.

Forming the advisory group.
Firming up an advisory committee worksheet.
Making your first meeting count worksheet.
A work schedule.
Master work plan worksheet.
Teaching teachers to teach the arts.
Worksheet on in-service with teachers.
Fund raising for the arts in education.
Finding funding worksheet.
Publicity and promotion.
Midcourse review.
Learning to listen to resistances to arts in education.
Plan for burn-out.
Worksheet: Evaluating what you've done.
Worksheet: Keeping records.

Section 4. Resources - organizations and ideas.

Linking up: State resources.
Linking up: National.
Profiles, introduction.
Profiles: leadership from the principal.
Federal program to integrate the arts.
Rural arts planning.
Designing a curriculum.
Music therapy at Hans Christian Andersen.
What part parents can play - page elementary school.
Architecture in education.
Picture lady volunteer program.
Good ideas.

Section 5. References - materials and things to read.

Funding - some leads and terms.
Things to read - books.
Periodicals that focus on arts and education.
How to and hands on - State Department of Education: Curriculum development.
Lesson plans, models.
Includes bibliography

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Arts Education


Series Title:




Pages: 124



Name: Minnesota Alliance for Arts in Education

Website URL: