Administration in the Arts: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected References

Author: Prieve, E. Arthur and Schmidt, Daniel J.

Publication Year: 1976

Media Type: Report


Published by University of Wisconsin, Graduate School of Business, Center for Arts Administration. In the fourth edition of this bibliography we have attempted to arrange and classify the literature in the manner which is meaningful and useful to both the potential and practicing arts administrator.


Published by University of Wisconsin, Graduate School of Business, Center for Arts Administration. In the fourth edition of this bibliography we have attempted to arrange and classify the literature in the manner which is meaningful and useful to both the potential and practicing arts administrator.

The bibliography is arranged in four basic sections: management in the arts, financial management, marketing the arts in society. The first section of this bibliography includes references which pertain to the staff of the organization, boards of directors, administrative functions, legal aspects and labor relations. The second section provides references to financial management in the areas of fund-raising and grantsmanship, sources of financial support, budgeting, taxes and investment policy. Marketing the arts is the focus of the third section. Often marketing is referred to as audience development in the field of the arts. There are fewer direct references to audience development, however, there is valuable information in the business administration field under the specific heading of marketing. Marketing serves as the basic link between the arts organization and the total societal environment in which the organization functions. The fourth section includes references to art in government and education, arts councils, and leisure and recreation. A final section offers suggested lists of publications in business and the arts which are appropriate sources of information to both the potential and practicing arts administrator.


Chapter 1. Management in the arts.
                 A. Personnel: 
                     1. The arts administrator.
                     2. Staff.
                     3. Training.
                     4. Volunteers.
                 B. Boards of directors.
                 C. Administrative functions: 
                      1. Planning.
                      2. Programming.
                      3. Evaluation.
                      4. Decision making.
                      5. Facilities management.
                      6. Management information systems.
                      7. Tour management.
                 D. Management - General references.
                 E. Legal aspects (contracts, copyright, etc).
                 F. Labor Relations. 
                 G. Foundation management.

Chapter 2. Financial Management. 
                 A. Economic condition and status of the arts.
                 B. Box office.
                 C. Fund raising.
                 D. Corporate support.
                 E. Public finance.
                 F. Grantsmanship.
                 G. Accounting/budgeting.
                 H. Taxes.
                 I. Investment policy.

Chapter 3. Marketing the arts. 
                 A. Publicity, promotion, and public relations.
                 B. Audience:
                     1. Development.
                     2. Specialized groups.
                 C. Marketing research - Methodology and results.
                 D. Marketing techniques (general).

Chapter 4. Arts in society. 
                 A. Art and government (politics and advocacy).
                 B. Arts councils (state and community).
                 C. Art in education.
                 D. Leisure and recreation.
                 E. General references.

Chapter 5. Publications.
                 A. Directories.
                 B. Bibliographies.
                 C. Periodicals, arts.
                 D. Periodicals, business.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Professional Development


Series Title:




Pages: 127



Name: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Bolz Center for Arts Administration

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