534 Ways to Raise Money

Author: Hay, J. Thomas

Publication Year: 1982

Media Type: Book



For the first time, more than 500 specific money-raisers have been assembled from A to Z to help you select the best one for your group. This easy-to-use Guide is actually an encyclopedia of tried-and-true standbys plus hundreds of new money-raising events and projects for groups of all sizes. Projects that are effective money-raisers, whatever your group's purpose. These are projects that will raise the spirit of your workers, as well as cash. They range from amusements, auctions and awards to meals, sporting events and sales - even how to seek a grant or enlist the help of a business sponsor for your event. You'll find real events and the real results of the most successful money-raisers around, plus new events, ideas and special tips designed to raise extra income.

This guide will allow you to explore all your project alternatives and then select the one that's right for you. You'll find there are more than ever to choose from. But the project you select must fit your particular group. It must be comfortable and timely, and it should enhance your organization. It should also get your group noticed. So, use the Idea Guide to find that project - the one that will get results. (p. 15)

CONTENTS: Good news! Five guidelines for success. The idea guide.

  1. Amusements: Aerial view. Car bash. Day at the races. Fun night.
  2. Auctions: Antique or art auction. Celebrity auction. Commission auction. Food auction. Open auction. Radio-telephone auction. Scrip auction. Silent auction. Slave auction. Auction tips.
  3. Awards and ceremonies: Heroes' hall. Honorary official. Person of the month or year. Sweetheart or Neat Guy award. Testimonials.
  4. Bazaars.
  5. Cards and games: Bingo. Card and table games. Card parties. Legalized gambling. Scavenger hunt. Television game shows. Treasure hunt. Carnivals and circuses
  6. Classes and demonstrations: new product demonstrations. Special skill classes.
  7. Contests: Beauty contests. Children's contests. Eating contests. Marathon contests. Nothing to it contests. Photo contest. Poster contest. Public speaking contests. Quiz contests. Special skill contests. Talent contests. Traditional contests. Ugly dog contest. Writing contests.
  8. Coupons and premiums.
  9. Dances. Balls. Barn dance. Dinner dance. Regional dances. Sock hop. Donations: Face to face donations. Donations by telephone. Donations through a third party. Donations by mail. Donation tips.
  10. Drawings
  11. Endorsements
  12. Endowments
  13. Entertainment: Amateur shows. Motion pictures. Music. Professional shows. Radio entertainment. Readings. Screwball entertainment. Entertainment tips
  14. Excursions.
  15. Exhibits: Collectors' exhibits. Craft exhibits. Participatory exhibits. Professional exhibits.
  16. Fairs and festivals:
  17. Community fairs. Urban fairs.
  18. Family events.
  19. Fashion shows: Bridal fashions. Designer fashions. Historical fashions. Home-sewn fashions. Ready-to-wear fashions. Fashion show tips. Foundations
  20. Grants: Grants from businesses. Grants from foundations. Grants from government. Grants from individuals. Grant tips. Investments
  21. Meals: Barbeque. Box lunch bazaar. Breakfast. Chef's dinner. Dime a dip dinner. Dinner dance. Ethnic dinners. Ghost dinners. Hobo dinner. Late night supper. Mythical meal. Per-plate dinners. Picnics. Pot luck. Potpourri luncheon. Progressive dinner. Recognition banquets. Salad luncheon. Seafood dinners. Small dinner party. Smorgasbord. You forgot your lunch. Meal tips.
  22. Parties: Beach party. Casino party. Costume party. Cruise party. Gala. Grown-up party. Hard times party. Hayride/Sleighride party. Holiday parties. Luau. Masquerade party. Nostalgia parties. On site party. Open house. Reunions and founders' day parties. Sixth sense party. Wine-tasting party.
  23. Publications: Baby book. Business or industrial directory. Calendar of events. City book. Class directories. Cookbooks. Historical publications. Household hints. Maps. Memory book. Newsletters and bulletins. Programs and souvenir booklets. Political publications. Technical publications. Who's Who book. Wish book.
  24. Raffles and lotteries: Everyone wins raffle. Penny social. The Great Raffle.
  25. Sales: Antiques. Art. Balloons. Bicycle safety kits. Books. Business cards. Bumper stickers. Clothing. Collectibles. Coins and medallions. Flowers. Food. Gadgets. Garage and garden items. Handicrafts. Holiday items. Housewares. New merchandise. Pets. Stamps and seals. Toys. Trademarks. Sales tips.
  26. Services: Automotive services. Baby sitting services. Business services. Car washes. Catering services. Clean-up squads. Curb address service. Dog walking service. Flag contract. Gift wrapping service. Greeting card service. In-house services. Meeting service. Photography service. Prep corps. Recycling service. Rental service. Shoeshine day. Shopping service. Telegram service. Travel and ticket service. Valet parking service. Wedding service. Speakers
  27. Sponsors: Business sponsors. Individual sponsors. Restaurant sponsors. Public sponsors.
  28. Sports and recreation: Basketball. Bicycling. Baseball. Bowling. Car rally. Fishing. Frisbee throwing. Football. Golf. Hiking. Horse racing. Hunting or skeet shooting. Kite flying. Pet sports. Running. Skating. Soccer. Swimming. Softball. Tennis. Sports tips. Swap meets. Telethons Thrift shops.
  29. Tours: Christmas lights tour. Decorators showcase tour. Facilities tour. Group tours. Historical tours. Home tour. Lunch hour city tour. Nature tour. One chance tour. Orientation tours. Private tour. Restaurant tour. Turn of the Century tour. Tour tips.
  30. Workshops: Business workshops. Children's workshops. Health and beauty workshops. Informational workshops. Lifestyles workshops. Political workshops. Religious workshops.
  31. Zero return projects: Air play. Community classes. Crook catcher. Fire prevention. Public service projects. Senior contact service. Sprucing up.
  32. Index.

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Categories: Fundraising


Series Title:



SBN/ISSN: 0-671-47167-8 (h); 0-671-47286-0 (p)

Pages: 192



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