1% Art in Civic Architecture

Author: Perlman, Bennard B.

Publication Year: 1972

Media Type: Report


The City of Baltimore has spent over $1,000,000 during the past nine years to provide nearly 150 commissions of art to be incorporated into its civic architecture. This guide recounts the Baltimore experience, the background and rationale for the integration of art and architecture, the historic and contemporary precedents, the struggle for legislation, and the implementation of the concept, with its successes and drawbacks. It is our hope that this guide will encourage other towns, cities and states to undertake similar programs, and that it will provide a helpful frame of reference for carrying them out. (p. i)


The City of Baltimore has spent over $1,000,000 during the past nine years to provide nearly 150 commissions of art to be incorporated into its civic architecture. This guide recounts the Baltimore experience, the background and rationale for the integration of art and architecture, the historic and contemporary precedents, the struggle for legislation, and the implementation of the concept, with its successes and drawbacks. It is our hope that this guide will encourage other towns, cities and states to undertake similar programs, and that it will provide a helpful frame of reference for carrying them out. (p. i)

1. The need for art in architecture. 

A. Historical background. 
B. Today's need. 
C. Contemporary examples.

2. The formulation of community art Legislation. 

A. Philadelphia. 
B. Baltimore. 
C. Issues and alternatives.

3. The operation of a one percent for art law. 

A. Civic design commission. 
B. City agencies. 
C. Artists and architects.

4. Criteria. 

A. Project evaluation. 
B. Commission membership. 
C. Selection of artists. 
D. Examples.

Appendix A. The Philadelphia ordinance.
Appendix B. The Philadelphia operating procedures.
Appendix C. The Baltimore resolution.
Appendix D. The Baltimore ordinance.
Appendix E. The Baltimore operating procedures.
Appendix F. Baltimore City agreement with the architect.
Appendix G. Baltimore City agreement with the artist. Index of projects.

Arts & Intersections:

Categories: Public Art


Series Title:




Pages: 48



Name: RTKL Associates Inc.

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