Springboard for the Arts Art-Train Program

Project Added: May 13, 2024
Project Point of Contact: [email protected]
Art Train logo with a woman smiling

La Luchadora screenprinting cart at a creative placemaking event in Bloomington's South Loop

Bruce Silcox.


Co-Lab for Civic Imagination, University Montana





Community arts

Population Density:

Large Intended Impact Area:




Art-Train is a virtual technical assistance program for artists, municipal agencies, and community-focused organizations in all sectors, in communities of all sizes across the nation. Trainings are free for artists and for Native, Black, Indigenous and People of Color-led and focused community-based organizations. We have a sliding scale fee for other organizations and agencies.


Art-Train is here to support you in developing strategies that will help you reach and engage more people, increase community relevance and connection, and find innovative ways to be more effective - and create authentic, equitable and lasting change. Tackle critical issues such as social cohesion, civic engagement, public planning, equity, workforce development, public health, housing, and economic growth by supporting and working with local artists.

Art-Train will equip you with tools to design and support cross-sector, equity-centered, locally-rooted and culture-based collaborations in communities of all sizes. Art-Train brings together both sides of the creative equation with two parallel tracks:

Artist Track: artists deepen and develop skills to work in collaboration with agencies, non-profits, and arts councils on critical community issues. Register now.

Agency / Organization track: Staff of government agencies, non-profits, and arts councils deepen and develop skills to to work with local artists to support creative workforce development, economic growth, and authentically address community needs and concerns such as public health, housing and civic engagement. Register now.

For both tracks, Art-Train includes:

  • -Virtual training Includes: Impacts of Artists, Accessing Resources, Implementation Models, and Tools for Equitable Collaboration.
  • -Virtual drop-in group office hours (available biweekly to drop-in as interested)
  • -Online resource library


Currently not available.