The cover of the toolkit that reads: How to Partner with Chambers of Commerce Part 3: Moving As Equals
pARTnership Movement Toolkit: How to Partner with Chambers of Commerce Part 3- Moving as Equals

Author: Jessica Stern

Publication Year: 2022

Media Type: Toolkit


Further building on Parts 1 and 2 of the How to Partner with Your Chamber of Commerce Series, participants will look to rural communities and consider how innovative partnerships can be used as inspiration or scaled to suburban and urban areas for long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships.


Further building on Parts 1 and 2 of the How to Partner with Your Chamber of Commerce Series, participants will look to rural communities and consider how innovative partnerships can be used as inspiration or scaled to suburban and urban areas for long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships. This module will explore practical ways of orienting local economies around "Quality of Place" and of rethinking the individual roles of arts and business in a local economy. It will demonstrate how navigating public/private partnerships can strengthen the relationship between the business and arts sectors. This module will explore, in varying depth, case studies in multiple rural communities, and highlight how these arts and chamber entities have worked together to build community wealth, deepen alliances, and expand opportunity for artists and businesses alike. This Part will ask the questions: When the LAA is seen as a respected and equal partner to their chamber and economic development entities, what are you advocating for together? What can you do together that you can’t do alone?

Participants are encouraged to use the toolkit as complimentary learning, and participate in a live discussion with presenters once completing the 3-part on-demand webinar series.

Arts & Intersections: Civic Dialogue, Economic Development

Categories: Partnerships, Private Sector, Professional Development


Series Title: How to Partner with Your Chamber of Commerce




Pages: 22

Resources: Document


Name: Americans for the Arts

Website URL: